6 minute read
California Building Permits for January
See Nevilh' Expedition Film
A crowd of 85 lumbermen saw the technicolor motion picture film of the Nevills' expedition dowq the Colorado River at the regular dinner meeting of East Bay Hoo Hoo Club No. 39 held at the Leamington Hotel, Oakland, on Monday evening, February 20. W. G. Gibson, official photographer with the expedition exhibited the film and told the story. He was given a big hand by the audience. The film was showtr through the courtesy of Maris Plywood Corporation, San Francisco. The lumbermen were much interested in the fact that the boats used by the party were made of waterproof plywood and that no repairs were necessary throughout the hazardous journey of about 700 miles.
Shirley Forsey, president of the Club, presided.
Prof. Woodbridge Metcalf of the University of California Forestry Department, gave a brief talk on Whitaker's Forest, a grove of Sequoia Gigantea willed to the University by its former owner.
Frank W. Trower, chairman of the educational committee, introduced both speakers.
Larue Woodson, member of Hoo Hoo Supreme Nine, in charge of jurisdicti,on No 6, told how the Order had paid off its old indebtedness and is now making a fresh start. He said Hoo Hoo had done a good job for the lumber industry in the past and will do a good job in the future. He announced that former members can now be reinstated by payment of. $2.99 and said that he will have an important announcement to make in the near,future.
Lloyd Harris, general chairman of the 1939 Reveille, announced that this will be held in Oakland on Friday, April 21, and that the annual Reveille golf tournament will be held at Sequoyah Country Club, Oakand, on Saturday morning, April22.
The gathering stood for a few moments in silent tribute to the memory of B. J. Boorman of Boorman Lumber Company, who passed away on February 16.
Hears Appeal on "Cease tnd Detist" Order
Arguments on the motion of six California retail lumber dealers' associations to vacate a Federal Trade Commission "cease and desist" order charging them with unfair competition in restraining competition and enhancing prices were presented to the United States Court of Appeals in San Francisco on February 14.
The Associations based the move on a showing that a transcript filed by the Commission, covering hearings at Sacramento, Watsonville and San Francisco, was not a true recital of the proceedings. Half a dozen affidavits challenging correctness of the records were filed with the court.
The defendant groups are the California Lumberman's Council; Coast Counties Lumbermen's Club; Northern Counties Lumbermen's Club; Central Valley Lumbermen's Club; Peninsula Lumbermen's Club, and San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's Club.
Back Tnoin Ttonthpnn Trip
A. L. (Gus) Hoover, I-os Angeles wholesaler, has returned from a trip north where he visited Palo Alto and San Francisco.
Twice Each ltVeek . . ,
we cre flcshing new rcrtings crnd business chcrrges to crll of our subscribers.
"Tune in" on these cuthentic flcshes o{ the lumber credit world with the speciclly designed "receiving set," the
The flqshes cre dispcrtched in the form of TWICE-A-IVEEK Supplements to this credit rcrting book, keeping rcrtings right uPto-dcrte cnrd qdvising of NEW CONCERNS as soon qs they stcnt up.
Equip yourself with this modern "receiving set", on our 30 Dcry Approval Plcrr. A letter to our necrest office will bring you ct full outline of this tricl plcrn, which is \JVITHOUT OBLIGATION. \Mrite todcrY!
Our Collection Depqrbnent cco cssist you in collecting your Past due crccounts.
New Wall Chart for Dealers on Nu - Art Line
Macklanburg - Duncan Company, manufacturers of Nu-ART mouldings, trim, edgings, bindings and nosings, announces completion of a new rvall chart for dealers showing more than 100 Nu-Art items for kitchen sinks. bath rooms, rvalls, floor coverings, tables, desks and counters. All illustrations show end view detail in actual size. Chart is ld' x 24', and supplements previous chart, issued several years ago. According to the ma.nufacturers, this chart is of great value to dealers in selecting the most suitable shape for each particular job and also a convenient method of showing customers the most practical shape for any requirement. Back of ;chart shows many suggested uses for Nu-Art items. Dealers may obtain one of these charts rvithout charge by rvriting Macklanbgrg-Duncan Co., Oklahoma City, Okla.
Proposed California Legislation Affecting the Lumber and Building Industry
According to facts prepared by C. W. Pinkerton, of Los Angeles, there are more than 150 pieces of proposed legislation already offered the present session of the Legislature at Sacramento, which directly or indirectly affect the lumber and building industry.
There are twenty proposed larvs that have to do with taxes. A. B. 145 is a stock certificate transfer tax of. l7o of the actual sale price. A. B. 170 is a new income tax law which doubles the present rate. A. B. 99 would raise the corporation franchise tax from 47o to lIr/4%. A. B.2I2 is a severance tax on natural resources, 7O7o tax on value of oil at well ; 15% per barrel on cement; l% on other resources. A. B. 1400 amends the state income tax and increases it about 50%. A. B. 1492 raises the corporation income tax l7o. A. B. 1821 is a chain store bill. One store, the fee is $3 per year;2 to 5 stores, $1O per year;5 to 1O stores, $50 per year; 1O to 20 stores, $100,per year; more than 20 stores, $250 per year. A. 8.2215 is a state income tax laws, lowers the base to $3,000 per year, and increases the rate 257o. A.8.2570 is a gross receipts tax. A. B. 2727 changes the base of the income tax to $l,m0 per year. There are 5 bills that have to do rvith the unfair practice act1' 23 bills that have to do rvith unemployment reserves; 17 that have to do with insurance i D that have to do with labor; the rest being miscellaneous. There are many bills creating lvage and hours laws, State Wagner acts, etc.
When You Sell
Booth-Kelly Douglas Fir, the Association grade' and trade mark certify to your customers the quality of the stock you handle. Builders quit guessing about what they're buying, and buy where they know what they're
Conservation Week March 7 -14
San Francisco, Feb. l8-California Conservatipn Week, March 7-74, .lill be fittingly observed in every city and county of the State. This was announced today'as the plan of the California Conservation Council headed by Governor Culbert L. Olson and Miss Pearl Chase, Santa Barbara, respectively the honorary chairman and chairman of the fifth annual observance.
County and state-wide officers of the Week say that the observance will awaken even further interest throughout the Nation as a result of conservation exhibits and demonstrations at the Golden Gate International Exposition on San Francisco's Treasure Island, March 7-11.
Announcement of Conservation Week activities for 1939 came today from a group of government officials, educators and leaders of organizations concerned with the conservation and wise utilization of natural resources.
"Our work is to promote conservation education and encourage cooperation in conservation efiort," Miss Chase stated at Forest Service headquarters, one of a score of agencies and group,s actively forwarding the observance. "On its own merits California Conservation Week has gfown to the place where almost every important organization and club is cooperating with State and Federal departqrents in a response to the needs of our human and natural rdsources. Our work has shown good results but we still have a long way to go."
The greater trend toward conservation education in recent years is reported to have contributed profits in forest fire prevention, conservation of soils and waters, restoration of wildlife, preservation of wilderness areas, increased recreational use of parks and forests and other worthy projects.
County conservation chairmen and committeemen are now being appointed by the State-wide committee to insure full educational observances in all sections of California.
More Building For 1939 is Prophecy
"Present indications in the building field indicate a possible upswing during the year in the United States, as unsettled lvorld conditions appear to be adjusting themselves," Bror G. Dahlberg, president of The Celotex Corporation, manufacturers of insulation products. told stockholders at the annual meeting of the company.
rHe stated : "The acquisition last year of a substantial stock interest in Certain-teed Products Corporation has worked out splendidly and is proving to be advantageous for The Celotex Corporation. Sales are already running ahead in the new fiscal year, which began November 1, over the same period a year ago."
Reviewing the company's entrance into additional building material items, he continued, "A com,plete line of roofing materials have been introduced to the trade."
Ace Lumber Company, San Gabriel, has rnoved from 316 to 320 West Valley Rlvd. Eclward McNeill and Harry Kamm are the owners.