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e California Lumber Merchant, March 1 , 1929
Macco Lumbcr Conrpalty. has opened a retail yard at Clearwater.
C. D. Johnson, C. D. Johnso.n Lumber Company, Portland, Ore., addressed the Douglas Fir Club of San Francisco on February 19.
H. A. Lake, president of the California Retail Lurnbermen's Association, was the speaker at the meeting of the Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club at Sacramento on February 16. He talked on Association activities, and sorne of its past achievements, particularly the work done by the I.egislative Committee.
The exhibit of Shevlinlturp.,,t.r & Clarke Co. rvas awarded first prize at the anntral convention of the Northwester'n Lumbermen's Associatio.n. It was a "period" exhibit, distinctly Colonial, ancl perfectlv carried out to the minutest detail.
L. M. Tynan, Tynan Lumber Cornpany, Salinas, and S. B. Moore, Homer T. Hayward Lumber Cornpany, Salinas. were the speakers at the meeting of the Coast Counties Lumbermen's Club at Watsonville on February 15.
Swayne Lumber Company, Oroville, Calif., placed an order rvith the Nf oore Dry Kiln for trvo of Moore's Reversible the Internal Fan type.
Co. of North Portland, Ore., Cross Circulation Kilns of
Builders' Supply Company, Gilroy, completed a large addition to its lumber shed.
Hammond Lumber Company, l-ong Beach, furnished approximately 45,000 sacks of Victor Portland Cement used in the new 14-story apartment building, the Casa Riviera, at Long Beach.
First shipments of cement are now being rnade from the plant of the Monolith Portland Cement Co. near Laramie. Wyoming, which started production in January.
Rosemead Lumber Company l-ras openecl a retail yarcl at Rosemead, Calif.
J. G. McKinney, rvas the speaker at ing on February 7.
Yost-Linn Lumber Co., Los Angeles, the Beverlv Hills Kirvanis Club rneet-
R. W. Shannon is manager of the Lumber Company succeeeding T. A. San Leandro Mill & Douglas who retired.