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that keep looking "lilre a nillion"
Build Business For You
NortcE, the way the goodlooking stucco jobs stand out on any street. Clean, srrartJooking and with an air of permanenoe, you juot lnow they build new buginesg for plastering contractors.
Help innrre future volume by keeping a cloac check on quality. Just follow these eimple rules:
See that the strushrre is rigid and well-framed that the base is O. K. . . that protective structural details are properly designed that only stucco made with PORTLAND CE MENT or WATER-PROOFED PORTLAND CEMENT is ueed for all coats. . . and ttrat it is mixed, applied and cured according to approved methods.
Write for NEW EDTTION of our "Plarterer'r Manualntt covering latest apecifications and metho& for making good ehrcco.