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He Still Has His Ax


The situction in which the retcil lumbermcn oI todcry linds himsell, sort ol remin& me ol cn old story. Mose cnd Mcmdy lived on the bcarlc oI the bcryou. Mcndy wcrshed for their living, cnd lczy Mose mostly lished.

One monring Mose hcld gotten into his bo<rt cmd wcs quietly pcddling cwcy when Mcmdy "ss.'rrred cdter him:

"Mose, come bcck hech" you lczy, wuthless, trillid scoun'el youl You crin't cut me no ficrh woodl"

But Mose wcrs clecrr oI her innedicrte recrch by now, ao he called lczily bcrclc

"\iVhut you growlin' 'bouL 'omcn? I qin't ccrried off de cx, is I?"

Wqr restrictions hqve cut in on the lumber dealer's nonncrl cnd ncturcl wcry oI trcrnscrcting his business, thqt's true, bui they hcven't ccuried off the cor,. the ax in this pcrrticulcrr ccse, being the cbility to go out cnd ccrrve out crnd creqte business cnd lots oI it. He still has thct, crnd it's no mecn or smcll crx, either. With it he can do cr lot oI good for himsell, qnd c lot of good lor the people who look to him for their building help card guidcmce. Yes, Sir, he still hcs his cx, and cll he's got to do is use it lorcelully cnd intelligently.

Tcrke pcrint, Ior excrmple. There qre no resbictions on the sqle or promotion oI pcrint, ihere is $o ehortqge oI mctericls, crnd lhere is even less of c shortcrge oI buildings thcrt cctucrlly need trnd fcirly cry cloud lor pcint protection The whole country needs paint. Pcint protects, preserves, upholds vclue+ cnd otherwise sustains, in cddition to becutifying buildings. Paint iB building insurcrnce, crnd in times such cs we look {orwcrd to it is more importcrnt thqn ever before to keep up the buildings we hcve. It is c wise owner in rines like these, who goes over his house, replcrces cmy defective surfqces, tightens the ioints to keep out wind crnd wecrther, cmd crpplies c cocrling of protective pcint over cll.

No trick to sell ptrint iobs now. Less ol c iob to sell them crs spring opens, cll over the country. It will be ecsy. Mcrrk Twcin scid he once lonew cr scrlesmcrn who wcs so surooth he could persuqde q fish to come rip out ol the river cmd tcrke cr wclk with him. You don't have to be thct expert to sell pcint lor needy buildings in these limes.

Get closer to your loccl editor thcn you ever were belore, cnd spend c little wise money with him. Coopenrte with him to the end thqt his recrders will be kept cdvised ol the things they CAN do with respect to building. Donl wcste your money telling them whct they CAN'T do. It will be time enough lor that when you get to tclking buitding, cnd repciring, and remodeling, cnd pcrinting. But see lhcrt your trcrde knows all the good things in the building cnd repcir cnd improvement line thcrt they CAN get right now. Put your vigorous personclity into your scles efforb cnd be sure you hcve both-the vigorous personclity, cmd the sales efforl

3910 Additional Defense Housing Units to DefenseHousing Areas Approved be Built in California

Authorization for the construction of an additional 3,910 housing units in California was announced recently in San Francisco by O. W. Campbell, associate regional coordinator of defense housing.

Six hundred permanent and 3,100 demountable units are to be constructed at San Diego.

Seventy permanent units are to be built at Merced, Calif., and,l40 demountable units are to be erected at Vicrorville, Calif.

All of the units, to house families of army enlisted and civilian personnel, will be constructed by the Federal Works Agency.

Construction of an additional 190 permanent housing units in the West was also announced by Mr. Carnpbell. The Defense llomes Corporatiqn will build 90 units for families of army commissioned men at Fort Ord, Calif., and the Federal Works Agency was designed to arrange for the building of 100 units at Fort Huachuca, Ariz. The latter are for Negro occupancy.

Lancaster Placed On Defense Housing Critical List

San Francisco, Feb. 17.-Lancaster, Calif., has been added to the defense critical housing list, it was announced here today by O. W. Campbell, associate co-ordinator of defense housing.

Inclusion in such a list means that building materials will be rnade more readily available for the construction of needed dwelling units.

The Polarius Air Academy, civilian training school for airmen, is located near Lancaster, 80 miles northeast of Los Angeles.

San Francisco, February l8.-Thirteen new defense localities in California and one each in Washington, Alaska, and Arizona as areas where defense housing may be financed under title VI of the national housing act have been approved by President Roosevelt, it was announced today by- O. W. Campbell, associate coordinator of defense housing.

Calitbrnia areas are:

Bakersfield, Fresno, King City, Lemoore, Merced, Monterey-Salinas, Niles, Pittsburg-Antioch, San BernardinoRiverside, San Luis -Obispo, Santa Maria-Lompoc, Stockton and Victorville.

Other areas: Arizona, Phoenix-Salt River Valley. Washington, Keyport. Alaska, Seward.

In each case the reasonable commuting area serving each locality is included.

Title VI, drafted to speed privately financed defeuse housing, differs frorn other FHA mortgage insurance procedures in permitting loans to builders rather than owner occupants. Under title VI also the home buyer is allowed up to 30 months to amortize the 10 per cent down payment, thus minimizing the initial cash payment required of defense workers. Since title VI loans are made direct to builders, and may cover 90 per cent of the appraised valuation of the house, the plan has served as a strong stimulant to rental housing.

Three Western Towns Added To Critical Housing Areas

San Francisco, Feb. 19-Two new communities in California and one in Washington have been added to the defense housing critical areas list, it was announced here today by O. W. Campbell, associate co-ordinator of defense housing.

Priority aid in the erection of privately financed dwellings for defense plant workers is now available in Taft and Chico, Calif., and Port Angeles, Washington.

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