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Yard, I)oeks and,Plantng Mtll
Wilmln$tonr CaHfornia
New Libe*y Ship Honors George A. Pope,
Honoring the late George A. Pope, pionber Pacific Coast shipping and hlmbering pioneer, and former chairman of the board of the Pope & Talbot-McCormick Steamship Company, a new Liberty ship bearing his name, was launched Saturday, February 19, on the ways of the Kaiser Shipyard in Richmond to join the' vast new American Merchant Marine.
Senator Hira.m Johnson informed C. L. Wheeler, executive vice-president of the shipping firm. early this month that Mr. Pope would be honored in fitting recognition of his long and brilliant efforts to build the.Amelican Merchant Marine not onl! on the Pacific Coast, but on all seaboards.
The late Mr. Pope was the son of Andrew J. Pope,.member of an East Machias, Maine, family that had engaged in maritime transportation since colonial days. In 1849 he came to San Francisco to establish a transportation firm on the West Coast, forming a partnership rvith Captain Frederick Talbot whose family in East Machias had also been prominently identified with American shipping before the'Revolutionary War. Known as Pope & Talbot, the young Western company rapidly, expanded shipping service and opened up the vast timber lands of the Northwest to mill and transport lumber over most of the world.
Born in San Francisco in 1864, the late Mr. Pope attended Trinity School and on complgtion of his education carried on the century-old family shipping tradition of his family by entering his father's.fitm. On the death of his father, he continued to expand the Pope & Talbot lumber and ship;r1, ping iriterests into a Western business empire.
Besides building his own companv, the late Mr. Pope ,i made many valuable contributions to the growth of ther
American Merchant Marine. He inaugurated a Pacific Coa6t: shipping service and also was one of the pioneers in the. development of marine, transportation between the Easlg and West coasts which today is.one bf the world's most:i: important maritime trade routes. ''i
At the time of his death in 1942, Mr. Pope was chairman : of the board of the Pope & Talbot-McCormick Steimship;:i Company. He was als'o active in Western financial circles I holding directorship in the Wells Fargri & Union Trust I Company and other well-known \Mestern fiduciary corpora'.,'1;i tions, and active in civic and cultural affairs in San Fran- :1. crsco.