4 minute read
How Lumber Looks
The rtrong man of today's market seernr to be anything in tte way of uppers. Vertical green clears have advancd about $4.0O and derh green clears are up $2.O0. Flooring and ceiling are practically off tte market. Shipmentt are rrmning very light on thc above items and she recms rtift at t[e pricer being quoted.
Commonr are strong at around $33.OO to $35.0O with rome larger cargoes being offered. One peculiar condition in t\is connestio'n ir the continued firmness of pricer in spite of the fact that rome of tihe larger buyers have been holding off for t[e part two weeks.
Shipmentr show some intererting figurer as usuaL
For March, up to the night of tte tenth, forty-four boats docked at San Pedro, 31 with 6r and 13 with redwood cargoes. The footage in fir was 3716701000 feet and redwood 7r325rOO0 feet. Dur'mg January and February thia year 283 boatr brought 3O9'E1O,OOO feet of fir and'redwood againrt 235 boatr with 2621140100o feet during tbe rarne two monthr last yeer. ln March, 1922, only 87 boatr came in to thir port and with over half rlrir number already reported for thir March lome new recordr uay be made.
The last weekly report of the Wert Coast Lumbermentr Areociation rhows ttat one hundred and thirty-eight re-
Northwcrtcrn O6cc l23t Northvctt'n BL. Bldr. Pordrnd, Orcroa Advcrtiring Rrtct on Applicatior. porting mills cut 109,233,89i, rbipped 116,089'292 rnd sold 101r55O,O28. This brinss the rdec about 7 per cent below production and rhowc shipments oj t4 per cent above new burinec. According to ttir report the millr of this AsEociation in tbe frrgt eight we€ks of 1923 have cut 77O million, sold 978 million" and have shipped 93O million.
The last report of the Southern Pine Arociation showr that 126 reporting millr cut 75 million, rold 73 nillion' and shipped 79 million during the week Beins a practical standoff between raler and production, and ttese mills are running at theh normal volume.
The California Redwood Aesociation report from 14 mills giver us these figures: Cut I million, shipped 10 million and sold lO millipn, and' it is significant that out of 101713 orders booked by these rtllsr 61727 were for rhipments in California"
Not much-to report on lath, the yardr seem to be well stocked and the demand' ir dow. The price ir about the sarne ar two weekr ago.
Shingler are finm, the demand has increared with plenty of ctock offered to take carc of thc dcmmd. The priccr have not advanced.
Put Us On Your Mailing List
Please put the California Lumber Merchant on your mailing list to receive your house organs, circular letters, or any other business-creating literature or ideas you may have found useful.
On his return from the N,orthwest, Earl Hoffman, well known Los Angeles wholesaler spent a day in San Francisco, where he visited the offices of the \Mestern States Lumber Co. Mr. Hoffman w,as in the Northwest about three weeks, where he called on his mill connections at Portland, Grays Harbor, and Seattle. He reports mill sto'cks low and buying rather difficult at this ti'me.
Hammatt Will Attend Architects Dinner
R. F. Hammatt, Secretary-Manager of the California Redwood Association w,ill leave for Los Angeles next week to be present at the Architects dinner to be given at the Metropolitan Exhibit rooms on the evening of M,arch 21. Mr. Hammatt will be one of the speakers of the ervening and will talk on the California Redwoods. /
John L. Conlon, golfing enthusiast and connected with Cha-s. R. McCormick & Co" of San Fran,cisco, stepped out to the Lincoln Park course on Friday morning, December 9 and playing his usual good game ,made the 12th hole in one stroke. Not so bad. Conlon had the necessary witnesses on hand to verify this keen shot and during the day he received from the San Francisco Chronicle an order for 12 Spaulding Kro-Flite golf balls and 12 Burke golf balls from the Emporium. This feat also entitles him to membership in the "Hole in one Club." It pays to be a good golf player.
Miller Finds Business In North Good
"Chuck Open Sash" M,iller, of the Pacific Door and Sash Co. of Los Angeles, has arrived home after attending the Western Retailers' Convention at Spokane. Members of the California delegatio,n state that he didn't overlook any opportunity to tell the boys about his factory products. He was very successful in getting some nice business and before his departure reported that he was taking home with him orders for 15 cars of open sash.
Deacon Calls On San Francisco Dealers
R. O. Deacon, well known retail lumberman of Fresno and the San Joaquin Valley, spent a few days recently calling on the lumber trade'in the B,ay District.
C. L. Flinn, Manager of the Albio,n Lumber Co. plants, at Albion and Navarro, California, was a recent visitor to the company's San Francisco office. After a few days in the Bay District, he left for Los Angeles and Souther,n California, where he spent se\reral days looking over the lumbe.r situation.
The Ranchers Lumber Company will open a yard at Lancaster within a few weeks.
This is a new company, incorporated, the directors being Mr. E. C. Strube, Mr. David Woodhead and E. A. Strube.
Mr. Strube came to California recently from the middle west where he was engaged in the wholesale lumber business, and Mr. David Woodhead is president and general manager of the Woodhead Lumber Company at I-os Angeles.
Gunton Receives Congratulations
H.. M, Gunton, popular.and well known sales-manager of the Santa Fe Lumber Co., of San Francisco, was fhe re,ceipient of many congratulations from his lumbermen friends last week due to the arrival of a baby daughter, Bessie_ Lee Gunton, at their home. Mr. Gunton reports that Mrs. Gunton and Miss Bessie Lee are doing fine.-