2 minute read
his tle Lumbn,
TTIACOMA, WASHINGTON, advan. ,f tageously located on Puget Sound, is "The Lumber Capi,tal of Ameri,ca."
f6ssnp-statistics show-is supreme in practically all of the important factors that enter into the industry, from great areas of standing timber and modern facilities for manufacturing and shipping, to quantity and variety of manufactured products.
Tacoma offers you eyerything in Pacific Northwest forest products.
Tacoma affords you a centralized source of supply. Take advantage of it. Buy in Tacoma. Locate your buying office here.
Tacoma is the place to establish your woodworking factory or saw-mill. Combined rail and water sites are available with the cheapest electric power in America.
Thi handsome illustrated book, shown here, contains valuable information for all buyers of lumber and other Pacific Northwest forest products. Sent free on requecL
Place gour inquiries before the entire nanufacturing interestu of Tacoma and, Tacoma district.
Write or'Wire
This handsome Boo(de,scribes rU refil'est
Boards And Men Need Dressing Up
A board is like a man.
Dress a. man like a bum, and people naturally think he IS one.
Same way with a board.
Dress it up with a bum paint job ,and it immed,iately loses all the advantage it may have possessed.
Someh,ow or other everyone has a feeling of admiration for a smooth, well grained board.
And yet, no mat'ter how lovely a piece of lumber that board may be when it leaves vour yard, it promptly takes a back seat if, after being nailed into the building where it is to do ,it's little part in the world, it has to submit to a bum job of paint.
And the much inferior board in appearance, quality, grain, finis'h, etc., that takes a first class paint job, steps into fron't rank.
Rememtber: A board. and a nail
And a can of paint, Make many a place, Look new-that AIN'T.
Send the lumber you sell, out of your yard, safe in the conviction that it is going to be properly PAINTED. And the only way you can be entirely sure of that in your own mind, is to sell h,im the paint YOURSELF.
Go still, farther, as we have so often said, and help him to get a painter that will put the job on right.
Then, when you have sold him the best lumber to meet his needs, aims, and ability to pay; sold him the best paint for the purpose at hand; and seen to it that he got a man who would give him a skilLful and honest paint job (Don't for goodness sake get the idea into your head that ,this isn't of vital importance, because there are more buildings be- ing ruined by fraudulent painters adulterating good paint fhan in any other way we know of) and you have done the three things vital to giving your customer satisfaction.

See that your customer gets, not only a good quality of paint, but that he makes a good selection of COLORS. Your paint firm can furn,ish you all the "dope" you need in that line.
DON'T DEAL WITH ANY PAINT FIRM THAT CAN'T ! That's their ,business, just as much as it is to sell paint. MO'RE, if anything.
I know a retail lumber merchant who has made a tremendous success of selling paint, and he says he doesn't sell paint at all-HE SELLS COLOR SCHEMES.
Can you beat it ?
And yet some of these fogeys will tell you that a "lumber dealer should stick to lumber." Sure he should-NOT.
He has no more business to "stick to lumber" than he has to ride on stage coaches. Both methods are of the same age, and in the same class.
He should stick to the proper merchand,ising of building materials, properly used in their intelligent relations to each other.
He should sell CUSTO,MER SATISFACTION in building materials. He should furnish the building IDEAS.
'[HAT'S his job. It doesn't take brains to "stick to lum,ber."