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Using Helpful Helps

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'Io paraphrase an old proverb: "Dealers He,lps help those who help themselves."

When the manufacturer delivers you a car of lumber he has completed his contract. But he doesn't stop there. He is creating a market {or your goods. He is telling you how to sell them. That's good brtsiness. He wants you to come back and buy another carload.

It's up to you to finish the job.

You go through your morning mail and find an envelope containing a batch of "Dealers Heips."

Use it right and it1ll make your business grow.

First, read it. Don't throw it in the waste basket. It MAY contain some thoughts that hadn't penetrated your don.re before.

It may not occur to y,ou at the moment that the little leaflet sent out to you has been pre'pared at considerable expense, and is the result of much study on the part of the manufacturer.

It may not occulto you that in going to this expense the manufacturer is trying his level best to help y'ou market your product.

Some of these "Dealers Helps," it is true, tnake pretty adornment for your office walls-might hide a dirt spot or cover a tear. If they contain attractive illustqations, as rnost of them do, you mrigh.t consider cutting ou,t the pictures and framing them.

For all of which they were never intended. Give them the consideration they deserve. Treat them like a messenger from your family physician, 'telling you how to grow strong. Take them in large doses at regular intervals, as often as possible, digest them thoroughly, absorb the contents, and when you've got your fill, you are ready to meet all-comers in the field of competition.



We have a paint proposition to live lumber dealers, who desire to handle paints of quality and backed by service.

Our materials ar€ made forpeople who lrnow what good paint will do to improve the acceptability of their lumber.

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