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I Exarnine Every Shingle Says the Rite-Grade Inspector

Y visits at RITE-GRADE shingle mills in my territory are frequent, unannounced, and at irregular intervals. I carefully measure each bundle inspected to be sure it is full thickness, then break it open and examine ttre shingles ib detail. Every- off-grade shingle is rejected and entered on rny inspection report against the workman who packed the bundle, after showing hirn the shingle and exp aining the defect.

As an official inspectoq of 'the Association and a recognized shingle expert the results of my inspection are bound to be more effective than th€ results obtained by private inspectors. Furthermore, I HAVE to be very strict and careful as both quantity and quality of all shingles bearing the trademrark "RITE-GRADE INSPECTED" are guaranteed under bond by the Association.

It certainly is gratifying to s€e the improvernent in grades and in manufacturing methods that takes place when a mill is placed under the RITEGRADE inspection system. Rivalry between sawyers and between packers to get the best scores is fostered by the mills and tends to prornote a per: sonal interest and pride in the product Rivalry between RITE-GRADE mills to get the best m,onthly and yearly average is also keen and most desirable.

All of these conditions contribute to the value of shingles bearing the trademark, "RITE-GRADE INSPECTED."

' The Rite.Grade Shingle Association Henry Building, Seattle, Warh.

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