1 minute read
Up and Down the af/r Dtate
Chas. NL Rose & Co., who have recently opened ofifices in the Flatiron Building, San Francisco, arinoun,ce that arrangements have been completed and in the future they will act as the California representatir-es of the Vaughan Lum- ber Co. The Vaughan Lumber Company are large manufacturers and lvholesalers, rn'ith Pacific Coast officis in the Northwestern Bank Building, Portland, Oregon. Mr. Rose also states that A. R. Van Dorn, for many years connected with the shingle and lumber business of the Northwest, has joined his concern and will act as their representative in the San Francisco Bay District.
King Returns From The North
Elmore King, of the King Lumber Co., of Bakersfield, spent a few- days in San Francisco on his return home from fhe Western Retailers' Cor-rvention held last month at Spokane. \\rhile in the northwest, he also visited Seattle, Vancouver and Victoria, B. C., and Portland.
IOINS nrll, eNo nnoRToN, tNc. /
Roy Elliott, {ormer,ly of the Slade Lumber Co. of San Francisco,'is now connected with Hill and Morton, Inc.. of San Francisco and wiil act as their representative in the Bay District. Mr. Eliiott has called orr the lumber tracle of the Bay District for several years and has a large acqu.aintariceship among the lumbermen of Northern Calirornla.