1 minute read
Advance Lumber Company Moving To New Yard
The Advance Lumber Company o{ Los Angeles are moving their entire plant from 2}th Street where they have been located for ye,ars to a newly purchased site on Nadeau avenue.
Mr. T. Mcl(enzie, Superintendent, informs us that this plant .will enable them to double their capacity, and that they have moved farther south on accou.rf of -their belief that the city is fast growing toward the beach.
You Can Make More Profit on Stained Shingles
"Absolutely Selling a Better Roof."
Therc rhinglee are right hcre in Los Angeler-you need not carry large rtocke. Sell odd colorr when demanded-we can give you 48 hour delivcry.
We are Behind the Dealer
Be the firat dealer in your comnunity to etock
2203 Santa Fe Ave. Lor Angctcr (WRITE F'OR, SAMPLES)