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Planning for bigger business
(V/E ARE g.lad to r.nnounce a program of improvements and better. \[/ ments, involving an expenditure of some 9300,000.00, which we " believe will result in an increase in production and shipments that will prove more nearly equal to the steadily growing demand for our Redwood products.
We have purchased two new electrically op€rated logging engines which will increase our production and assure a greater supply of Redwood logs for both our saw mills.
Our storage capacity and handling facilities are being expanded by the erection of an additional broken unit shed in connection with our Mill B. This will provide sufficiently increased storage {or dry lumber to pe-rmit f ull operation du.ring the. Winter, and will enable us to carry a larger reserve of worked stock, to apply against the usual heavy Spring demand, delegates may return from a convention with an accumulation ,of practical and specific ideas, plans, and methods which they nray put to work 'to their own advantage in their own business.
We are putting in an additional loading.track at the back of the oL.nins milt an1 factory to facilitate shipping of straight carload lots bf ite-s which move in quantities, and we are building twenty-five new cottages and adding seventy.five rooms to the hotel at Scotia for the more comfortable housing of our workers.
This season, urged on by their own past records and by the efforts of the prograrm makers of other associations, the convention program generally is of unusually interesting charac'ter, and offers to the delegates an tlnusual return or1 their investment.
Lilleston Paraffine Companies Advertising Manager
H. J. Lilleston, has been app'ointed Advertising I\4anager of thl Parraffine Companies, Inc., with headquarters in San Franc.isco, to succeed Arthur G. Ross who resigned to become sales manager of the Caiifornia Metal Enameling Co. NIr. Lil,leston lias spent meny years with the Paraffine Con.rpany and was formerly in charge o{ their floor covering and wall board departments. He will now have charge oflhe advertising and also look after the sales of their specialty proclucts. [{r. Lilleston is rvell known by the advertising -..t'of the Bay District and owing to his long connect'ion with the Paraffine company, he has a large acqua'intanceship among the paint manu{actttrers of the country. Tlt. Paiaffine Cbmpany are large paint manufacturers of the famous Pabco Paints and Mr. Lilleston is a firm believer of progressive lumber merchauts carrying a complete line of paints ; he says, that ,lulrrber and paints go hand in hand and that it is just as easy to figure on the whole job as on the lumber alone.
FTER thirty-five yearc test in the fi.ry crucible of time, Pioneer Products have found Fame and Place in the busy marts of trade.
Men who know have built the reputation of PIONEER PRODUCTS
Dn a splendid foundation of PROVEN RESULTS, they have achieved a recognized standard in an age of exacting specialization.