4 minute read
Pushing Sunset Paint Products
One of the greatest manufacturers and distributors of quality p'aint in the State of California, and likewise one of the most enthusiastic ,exponents of the merchandising of paint through the retail lumber <lealer, is The Sunset Paint Comp,any, of Los Angeles.
H. Hendrickson is President and executive head of The Sunset Paint Company, and'his son Henry A. Hendricksen is Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager of the concern. Their factory, l,ocated in the outskirts of Los Angeles is one of the biggest and best equip'ped plants on t'he Coast, and turns out nothing but the "Blue Ribbon Quality" of paint which is norn' famous among p,aint users in the great southwestern territory.
In addition tro the big paint and wholesale department in Los Angeles they also operate warehouses in San Francis,co, Cil. and El Paso, Texas. They h'ave a big retail paint store downtown in Los Angeles, and one in El P'aso. They mrarket their product in all parts of Califiornia, goi-ng all the way north to the state line, and they have built for them'selvei a magnificent reputation for paints th'at are made from the best of materials, in the most improved and approved w'ay, and which "stand up," under wear and weather.
They m,ake a full line of paints for all purposes, and varnishes. They buy the best materia'ls that mroney can buy, employ a veteran for'ce of skilled rvorkmen, and their plant equipment is the latest in n.rechanical devices. Their production ranks among the biggest on-the coast in quaniity, and challenges competition in_ quality.
ihey mattufacture Sunset Blue Ribbon Paint' Diamond Floor Paint, Sr-rncraft enamels, Sun-g1o eggshell finish, Creo- sol house stains, Sunseeco paste. They are also exclusive agents for Kyanize varnishes and enam.els.
Mr. Henry A. Hendrickson expressed himself as enthusiastically in accordance wiLh the often expressed opinion of The California Lumber Merchant that the lumber dealer is a natural paint merchant, and is anxious to furnish every possible assistance and co-operation with lumber dealers tn helping them to make their paint departments a success. The advertising depart.ment of The Sunset Paint Company is prepared to furnish the lumber dealer co-operation, adsistance, and advice in the securing of paint business, and during the next year is going to give a great deal o,f attention to paint helps for lumrber dealers.
Fruit Growers Supply Company
Manufacturers of California White and Sugar Pine Lumber MiIIs at Susanville and Hilt, Cal.
15O,O0O,00O Feet Annual Crpacity
B. W. ADAMS, Mgr. Sales Dept. First National Bank Bldg. - San Francisco
Retaif Deafers
Order uniformly graded stock of our own manufacture.
We solicit inquiries and orders. LB.
Portland, Orcgon
With its ,plant at Los Angeles Harbor now very fast approaching com,pletion, the new $10,Cm,000 Los Angeles Lumber Products Company promises to develop coast wide interest through tlte extent of its proposed operations in dimension lum,ber, box shook, and boxes.
The source of the Company's timber supply is at Graham Island, off the coast of British Columbia, where ti,mber rights have been secured stretching from the water's edge for some 24O miles around Massett Inlet and its tributary waters on the Island. The climatic and other conditions under which this tract has developed are said to have resulted in an exceptionally high grade of spruce' hemlock and cedar, and in the production of the finest single tract of standing timber on the North American continent. The spruce, of the Sitka variety, is that from which Frank L. Buckley of Vancouver produced over fifty per cent of the aeroplane spruce used by the British and French ar,mies during th,e war'
The Los Angeles Lumber Products Company was formed through a combination of California interests represented by Fred L. Baker and Erle M. Leaf of the Los Angeles Shipbuilding & Drydock Corporation, and Canadian and European interests represented by Frank L. Buckley of Vancouver, B. C. Extensive {ogging and mi'lling operations are being carried on by the Company on the Graham Island property, where they have excellent band saw mills' A subsidiary company has been formed, the Los Angeles Lumber Products Steamship Company, to take over the ownership of three steel steam schooners which have been purchased and especially reconditioned for this purpose' and which wil'l'be added to it is understood as the demand develops. These schooners winl lbring south from the Graham lsland property a steady supply of cants or squares to be unloaded at the Seattle box factory of the Company, and at the big mill site of the Los Angeles Harbor plant which forms part of the great seventy acre shipyarrls controlled by these interests.
The first cf the ,lu,mber schooners has arrive<l lvith her load and the other two ttave started in their neu' set'r'ice. It is the puipose of the Company to build up a reasonable supply of cants in front cf the local plant by such tirne as all machincry shall have been installed and 4ciual sau'irg, planing and btx making cperations ready tc bc corhtncnced, possibly during the next thirty to fifty days.
Recently this Company announced the purchase oj tle Pacific Wirebound Box Company of San Francisco in its entirety. The ,machinery employed 'by that Company il its San Francisco factory for the making of wirebound boxes is to be brought south and installed in part of the great box factory which forms a portion of the big Los Angeles Harbor plant. With the San Francisco concern comes also G. X. Wendling, its president and general manager, particularly well known Pacific Coast packers, and who wirll serve the new organization as sa'les manager. Arno Mereen who built and for a long time operated the big Coos Bay plant, has been for some months with the - new Company supervising the erection and equipment of the new plant and acting as the Company's production manager.
February was the largest month but one in volume of building perm,its in Los Angeles. The total for the month was $12,080,310.00, this total has been topped only once, in Apil1922.
7s h& Bard