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There are two wondrous reasons why the lumber dealer should sell our 3-8 inch plaster board.


Because there is more net profit for the dealer.


Because it is by far the most satisfactory board for the builder; and your business is built eventually on customer satisfaction.


Is twice as fireproof as Y+ inch board.

Can be nailed on studs 2 feet apart. wall twice as strong as rvarmer than plaster and ls 30/" lath.

Makes a /a inch.

Can be wsstrsd_11rater won,t dam_ age it-use it for outside construction.

Takes nails, paint and wall paper letter than any other board.

Let us Tell You.

It is the selection of onlY the beat rough oak lumber. All lumber is thoroug:hly a.ir alried before being Placed in kiIn.

It is kiln-dried ln rnodern moist-air kilns.

AII lumber allowed to cool for ?2 hours after kiln-drying, so that tt wiU attain its natural condltion before it is manufa.ctured lnto floorin8:.

Modern machinery used in ripping:' whlch reduces crooked noorltlg: to a minimum.

Best siale-matcher machines known, kept in perfect conditlon at all tlmes, thus insurlng: perfectly matched stock.

A fa,mous end.-matcher machine used, making this feature of our flooring perfect. Hia:h class, experienced g:rad- ers, standing directly behind the machine, mark the g:rades as the stock is manufactured.

Chief inspector and several assistants constantly check the g:rading of the men behind the tiachines.

All I,ong-Bell oak flooring ls bundled with annealed wire. two pieces to each bundle. Moisture-proof sheals keep the stock ih perfect condition.

A large well assorted stock on hand a,t all times. enabling us to give prompt service to our trade.

Good average lengths ship- ped in all grades and sizes.

Long'-Bell oak flooring can be iclentifled by the Long:-Bell trade-mark on qvery piece.

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