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Under the Pines and Redwoods These Timely Tales Are Gathered

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Indications For Record Year In Redwood Exports

In 1922 over 27,N0,0C0 feet of Re<lwood was sh,ipped to Australia alone, and so far in 1923 the total is well over 6.@0.000 feet. Three steamers are due ,at Eureka late in M'arch or early in April to load for Australia, t'he !a1am1 Steamer Icla,-Britisli steamer Berangar and the Kalfarli, a Norwegian boat.

Attempt To Salvage Cargo

Attempts will be macle by the San Driego Motorship Vaquero to salvage a part of the lumber cargo of the four masted schooner Watson A. West which was wrecked on San Miguel Island last week.

This s'teamer was owned by the Pacific Freighters Company of San Francisco, Capt. L. Sorenson Master. She crashed on the rocks during a heavy fog, and t'he crew were forced to abandon w,ithin a few minutes. An examination of the vessel disclosed that she w,ill be a total loss.

Cochran Calls On Bay Lumbermen

C. G. Cockran, o,f Los Angeles, southern California representative of the Hendrickson Lumber Co. of San Francisco, was calling on the lum'ber trade of the Bay Distric't during the early part of the month. FIe also checked in at headquarters and after a busy week returnecl to Los Angeles.


Ed, Garland, well known Pacific Coast lumbermatr, and for the past five and a half years sales manager of the Silver Falls Timber Co. at Silverton, Oregon, has resigned his position there to take charge of the rail dep'artment for Charles R. McCormick & Co. Mr. Garland took up' his new work on March 1., and will make his headquarters at the com,pany's San Fran'cisco oflice. H. W. Hanna, will act as assistant to sales manager J. Walter Kelly and Mr. Garland, in the handling of the cargo, rai1, ancl construction products end of the business. O. L. Russum of Stockton, ind R. R. Gill of San Francisco, will continue 'to cover their same territories in the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys and San Francisco Bay Districts.

Cutler Visits San Francisco

Fred Cutler, of the Cutler-Dimm'ick Lumber Co., of P,ortland, Oregon, was a recent visitor to San Francisco where he spent a week on business. While in the Bay District, he spen't a few days going over business matters with A. A. Dimmick, manager of the California and Oregon Lum,ber Co. Mr. Cutler reports that mill stocks in the north are still low and that the market still remains act'ive; he also states that considerable business is coming 'in from the Atlantic Coast. The Cutler-Dimmick Lumber Co. are the buying agents for the California and Oregon Lumber Co. in the Northwest.

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