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San Diego Initiates Fourteen
The San Diego Hoo-Hoo District, under the leadership of Mr. A. A. Frost, of the San Diego Lumber Company, held a rousing Concatenation on the night of the lst, at the Maryland Hotel. Fttrteen weakeyed Kittens were told of the glories and benefits of the Order, and were made to see.
About fifty of the faithful, including several guests from Los Ange'es. gathered at the board at seven P.nr wittr Snart< Frost in the chair, as master of ceremonies. Some verv fine vocal and instrumental music was enjoyed, and the Snark called on three of the guests for some remarks.
every eligible man in their district, and that they intend keeping their percentage at this mark.
The Kittens
F. W. Hawman.....Glacron Planing MilI
The-Nine aid ttre ritual work in a very fine manner' Snark Frost, assisted bY the eight men who make up this efficient team. put t\. applicants through their paces in a manner that suggested iuggested much preparation and hard wo-rk. The Nine is comPosed of :
F. Szalinrki... .., Glarson Planing Mill
R. C. Fegan.....Srn Dicgo Planing MiU
H. B. Miller..,...San Diego Planing Mill
J. W. Cooley.......Frort Hardwood Co.
H. T. Mothrop.... ....City Lumber Co.
R. D. Whitron......Hillcrert Lumber Co.
W. H. Rabeahl.Ocean Beach Lurnber Co.
J. C. Dionne, publisher of "The California Lumber X{erchant" talked for a ferv minutes, first giving the boYs some of his good nigger yarns. and then going into the subject of HooHoo. His talk was directed especially at the Kittens, he told them of what they could expect to gain frorn their membership, and also of 'rvhat was being done by the various HooHoo Clubs throughout the countrY, Flovd A. Dernier. of the Lumbermens Service Association responded rvith a few words, and Mr. Phil R. Hart, of "The California Lurnber Merchant," rvas introduced.
J. F. Sage. .....City Lumber Co.
G. F. Kerfoot..Lemon Grovc Lumbe,r Co.
A. E. Grigcby ..Klicka Lumber Co.
R. A. Rierrall Ctrar. R. McCbrmicl & Co.
E. Klicka. .Klicka Lunber Co.
One Reinstatement
O. G. Gray. 'Diric Lumber Co.
After these ceremonies the rooms was cleared away, for the initiation. Fourteen of San Diego's representative lumbermen had filed application for membership, and there rvas one reinstatement applicant.
San Diego boasts a 100 per cent membership in- their city, claiming that they have secured the membership of