2 minute read

The Bird That Does

The Work in Los An$eles

That is what the Hoo-Hoo boys in the Los Angeles District are calling qne of their nlembers' a man, who has sained the retlutalion in the last trvo years, of lleing the iiardest rvorking man in the Order, and rvho cheerfully ancl willingly puts his rvhole heart into the interests of Hoo-Hoo.

It can be no otl.rer than one J. NI. Chase, of the Orvens Parks l-umber Company, l,os Angeles retailers. Jim, .or |irnmie as he is called by most of the fellows, acts as sales inanager of this large institution, and besicles being kno'rvn as a liard rvorking issociation man, also has the reputation of being one of the keenest and most progressive- sale-'s executives in the southrvest. FIe has been identified rvith the lumber business practically all oi his business life. having entered the game in his home state of Iol'va' ancl after irigrating to California l-re'held a resp_onsible position with thJ Hammond Lumber Company, at Los Angeles. in the sales department. IIe joined the Orvens Parks Lumller Company rvhen it rvas formed not so long ago.

There is probably not a man in l-os Angeles who kno'ivs more of his-fellow lumbermen, and u'ho is more universally liked, not alone for his willingness to serve l{oo-Hoo. brtt also for his wonderful friendly persona'ity and friend making ability. This in spite of the fact that Jim is the official

Snark .....A. A. Frost

Sr. Hoo-Hoo.........\Ar. J. Glasson

Tr. Hoo-Hoo. ... HarrY Clark

Bojum ....W. J. McDedmott

Scrivenoter G. F. Hufi

Custocation ....Herb Sullivan

Arcanoper ..Bob Reed

Gurdon .Jo. Restine fine collector at the Hoo-Hoo luncheons, rvhere he officiates each Thursday, passing the plate and nicking the boys for dimes and quarters, to srvell the Charity Fund.

Iabberwock ....Knute Rinde - They performed nobly.. The ritual was carried through with a snaP, and at the same time rvith a seriousness that was very impressive. The Senior Hoo-Hoo, W. J. "Billy" Glasson, and the Junior, Harry Clark, are deserving of special mention. Harry is a fine man for his place. His ritual rvork rvas given just right, and when it came time for him to put the youthful aspirants through their final paces, he had the entire gathering rolled in laughter with their antics. One nerv stunt after another rvas pulled on the poor unfortunates, Harry keeping them corning and going, so that there wasn't a dull moment.

The San Diego Hoo-Hoo Club was the first to be organized, and the members are mighty proud of the succes's that they have had.

At the last Concatenation, when 171 Kittens were shorvn the light, Jim was prominently displayed at the front door of thJ Ship Cafe, collecting tickets, pinning badges on- the Kittens, giving general directions, and performing a h-ost of other dutiei, all of course helping to make that affair tl.re wonderful success that it u'as.

If vou are a Hoo-Hoo, or if you are to llecome a member, vou ivill some day meet this fine fellow, because whenev€r and rvherever Hbo-Hoo is, there you will find Jimmie Chase, rvorking on several committees, 'ivorking hard, ancl having the time of his life doing it'


Past Snark of the Universe, E. D. Tennant, SecretaryManager of the Los Angeles District Lumbermens Club, acted as chairman at the Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club Inncheon on Thursday, March 6th.

Mr. Tennant in acknolvledging the introduction by Snark Rosenberg, made a very fitting talk to the boys, about the recent record Concatenation, and on the past and present of the order. FIe then introduced Mr. Maynard McFee, of the McFee Pipe & Supply Company, of Los Angeles. This gentleman is a past president of the- Los.Ange-les Cham6er of Commerce, and.has for years been identified

(Continued on Page 57.)

For 18 Yean

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