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Hardwood Men Submit Recommendations to Centrul Committee

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Chicago, March 3.-The Northern Hemlock and Hardrvood Manufacturers Association, at its annual meeting, acting in response to suggestion of the Secretary of Commerce contained in a letter to that association, appointecl a committee to co-operate with the Central Committee on Lumber Standards to consider the problem of hardwood lumber standardization. A similar committee was later appointed by the Michigan Hardrvood Manufacturers Association. The chairman of the Central Committee on T.umber Standards, Mr. John \A/. Blodgett, called an informal meeting of representatives of these trvo associations together rvith representatives of hardrvood lumber consumers to meet in Chicago, Friday, February 22, 1924, Congress Hotel. This meeting was called at the request of the committees representing .the hardrvood manufacturers of Wisconsin and Michigan, and at the request of the Association of Wood Using Industries, through Mr. E. E. Parsonage, its representative on the Central Committee on Lumber Standards.

A brief informal statement, concurred in by those present, was made by the chairman of the purpose, of the conference, i.e. to make to the Central Committee on Lumber Standards suggestions in behalf of the hardwood manufacturing and consuming interests present, ways and means of formulating suitable hardrvood lumber standards.

The conference was of the opinion that under the authority of the Central Committee on Lumber Standards, as now constituted, a rvorking organization to investigate the prob- lem of hardrvood factory lumber standards should be separate from the similar committee which for fifteen months has considered yard lumber standards. Recognition was given to the separateness of basic hardwood problems from those of softwood yard lumber.

It was recognized that all interests, whether producihg or consuming as affecting the consumption of hardwood in this country, are affected favorably by standards that rvill have for their purpose the marketing of the maximum footage of commercial lumber as it comes from the log.

Upon invitation, Mr. A. T. Upson, representing the Forest Products Laboratory, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Madison, Wisconsin, outlined the progress made toward the completion of the laboratory's comprehensive investiga- tion of hardwood production and consumption requirements,, He reported that the laboratory, during the past year or more, has been investigating, with a force of approximately eight men, the facts regarding both production and consumption of hardwoods; that within a few weeks the investigation will have covered industries representing 85 per cent of hardwood lumber consumption, as well as the manufacturing requirements in all important regions. Those present were of the opinion that the facts developed by the laboratory's investigation should constitute the basis of the investigations to be further conducted by the Central Committee on Lumber Standards.

(Continued on Page 62.)

This is the Time of the Year- to go After Profitable,.Cedarline', Buriner

Tell housezaiaes how clothes-closets are bctter than cedar c I'r e s s-wh e n lin e d wit h B ru c e,, C e d,a' I in e."

Women know the value of cedar wood as a precaution. against moths.



-l(X kindr 3/6" apJl 13/16"-

Where mcn make an art of a trad*wbcre thc hisbect degrue of cxellence ir thc only ctandlrd toleratd-wherc lt ls an honor and dirtinction to prodwe bettcr tban the ugurl quality of Flooring.


SOLD TO DEALERS ONLY ttThc Homc of SLillcd TVoodworlcrr"


Here at .last is ideal.-storage, combined r-ith order and convenience. I hese ,acts will interest every owner in your vicinity. Bruce.'(Ceda'line." manufactured from kiln-dried imres"ee aro- matic red cedar, makes every closet as effective as a cedar chest. because the strips are side and end-matched, provid- ing a tight dust-proof closet, and much more convenient, avoiding mussing. No extra room is taken up in the. house, yet there is the storage space of many chests.

Any article wanted can be e3sily {cund and removed without disturbing remainder, Shelves, drawers and small compartments may be made from cedar lumber for linens and blankets.

"Ceda'line" may'be installed in very little time over the lath and plaster of closets already built. Don't overlook the oppor- tunity, while supplying "Ceda'line," - of selling ft" Bruce oak to re-cover the old floors.

(Continued from Page 61.)

A resolution was presented by Mr. Wm. B. Baker, seconded by Mr. R. K. Merrill, as follows:

"RESOLVED, That a committee of three be appointed, to formulate a plan for the representation of all interests having to do rvith the production and consumption oi hardwood.lumber, to be submitted as the recommendation of this conference to the Central Committee on Lumber Standards." After discussion this resolution was adopted unanimously.

In accord with the views of those present at the conference, this committee made the following recommendations which have been submitted to the Central Committee on Lumber Standards:

1. That the Central Committee on Lumber Standards republish its purpose to give consideration to the standardizatio;n of grading rules for hardwood lumber, such rules to be so formulated as to promotq maximum economy in ' production and consumption and to increase the recovery of marketable products from hardwood logs.

2. That a Hardwood Consulting Committee be established, and that on this committee be represented all organized interests connected with the production and consumption of hardwood lumber.

3. That representation on such Consulting Committee include, among others, the following manufacturing, distributing, and consuming interests :

Automobile Industry

Furniture and Allied Manufacturers

Box Manufacturers

Farm Equipment Manufacturers

Wood Turners


Flooring Manufacturers

Hardwood Lumber Manufacturers

Hardwood Lumber Wholesalers

()UR PANEI. sT0cts

In All Stocl Sizcr











Further that the committee thus constituted be given by the Central Committee authority to extend its membership to include such additional interests as may later be found desirable.

4. That the Consulting Committee thus constituted act exclusively under the authority of, and be responsible to, the Central Committee on Lumber Standards as now constituted.

5. That the basis of the consideration by this committee of hardwood standards be the findings of fact by the Forest Products Laboratorv.

6. That action by th6 Central Committee in the direction of organizing a Consulting Committee for the consideration of hardwood lumber standards be taken promptly.


J. C. Ferger, manager of the Srvastika Lumber Company, Fresno, spent a few days in San Francisco last week attending to business matters. He also checked in to see many of his lumber friends and to get some of the latest developtrents on the lumber market.


Articles of incorporation by the Redwood Lumber Nevada.

The authorized capital is

CORPORATION FORMED have been filed at Santa Cruz, Corporation, of Carson City, $500,000.m

Our Particular Specialty!!!

The mort wondcrful wood that the Philippiner Produce

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