3 minute read
Oak Flooring
Manufaclured from
St. Francis Valley Oak
has long been known for the beautiful finished floors it makes.
Color and texture manufactured with Oak Flooring it is are exceptionally uniform and when proper care it makes the very finest possible to produce.
is most carefully manufactured from this Oak and makes a finished floor which cannot be excelled. All flooring lumber is cut to size while green and great care is taken in drying, selecting and grading.
Moisture content is carefully gauged and every precaution taken to reduce cupping and buckling to a minimum. We will be glad to send samplee to interested dealers.
W'est Coast Representative
Pacific Coast Dstributor
259 First National Bank Bldg. San Fnncfuco, Calif.
.CHICKASAW BRAND'' OAK FLOORING har been e rtandard of Grade--Quality-Manuf acture
Manufactured' Bv
Memphis Hardwood
Floori ng Go. Memphis, Tenn.
And Distributed By
Lynwood, Cal.
Ancr. NatL Bank Bldg. San Francbco
Hcory Bldg. Portland
Our large and diversified stoch enables us to give unusual service even on the most varied and difficult orders.
Try Us And See
(Continued from Page 55.)
with various civic and municiDal mo.r'ements of the citv. He spoke very entertainingly tn the history of Los Angeles. of California's grorvth and advancement from the old pueblo days. He was well receivecl.
Before turning the meeting over the chairman of the day, Snark Rosenberg notified the members that he had appointed a new "Collector of Internal Revenue," in the person of one H. F. Bol'i'les, of the Long Bell Lumber Company. This fine collecting job has been held by Jim Chase for over a year, and.Jim's resignation was received rvith a sigh of relief from a bunch of the boys that had been his victim. Bor.vles got away to a good start, making a record collection for the day.
The Snark read a letter from l{enry Isherr'vood, congratulating the l-os Angeles District on their last Concatenation.
The meeting adjourned at 1:30.
San Diego has a scandal, and a m1,stery.
On the night of March lst. rvhen Snark Al Frost and his trusty Nine did considerable harm and damage to a group of fourteen Kittens, at the Nlaryland Hotel, Frecl Hamilton had been anticipated at the n.reeting a little early, in order to sit at the right hand of the Snark, accepting the honor due him as the first and only Past Snark of that District.
The dinner was called for seven P. I\[., and it was with much reluctance that Al gave the order to begin when seven fifteen came and Fred had not shown his face,
He arrived about eight o:clock, bringing in tow three characters from Los Angeles, Floyd Dernier, Jack Dionne and Phil Hart. Fred made a weak and very unsatisfactorv explanation to the Chair, saying that he had had consider- able trouble rvith the lights on his car, that he had had to stop twice to fix them, once of his own violition, and thd second time at the request of a uniformed gentleman whd seemed to have considerable authority concerning the operating of automobiles on the highu'ay, without proper head lights.
For the benefit of Fred's doubting friends in San Diego, and elsewhere, here is the low-down in the case.
This genial gentleman, hearing that San Diego was to be honored by the three aforementioned Los Angeleans, took it upon himself to drive out and meet them, and show them the rn'ondrous beauties of San Diego. In his high powered Studebaker as a rubberneck wagon, he gave these men a very pleasant hour or so, and of course finding themselves near the International Line, about dark, they decided that they should make a short tour into the other country. This excursion took a little more time than had been anticipated, (there is so much to see at Tia Juana), and when they started toward San Diego, the lights on Fied's cars, refused to function. This part of his story was true. Four good men worked, and worked hard, to repair the damage. They used rnuch muscular power, besides a very choice line of language. Fred plainly showed his lack of knowledge of head lights, but he is without a leader among men, as an orator. His address to the reluctant lights was a gem, and should have been preserved.
As said before they arrived at the meeting about eight, no worse for their experience, except suffering the caustic remarks from some of the boys who doullted the tale.
New Yard At Owensmouth
The G. W. Winnor Lumber Company will open at Owensmouth, some time in April, on Deering Avenue.
The new company has been forrired by Mr. G. W. Winnor, who has been in the lumber business for some time, in Minnesota and No. Dakota.