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Grade Marking by Southern Pine Mills Soon To Become Operative
Grade marking of Southern pine lumber by subscriber mills of the Southern Pine Association, is expected to be in actual operation within a few months, according to a statement made by Secretarv-Manager H. C. Berckes, of the Association, in a communication iust sent out to one thousand architects, engineers and general contractors through- out the country.
The movement for the grade-marking of lumber was initiated.b_y the Southern Pine Associatfun some two years ago, with the idea of protecting the lumber-buying public against fraud and deception in their purchases and as a guarantee of the grades and quality, concerning which the average individual is little informed. Commiitees of the Association have been rvorking diligently on the project during the last two'years and after many months of study and _experimentation, Secretary Berckes states, they have reached the point of making final tests of grade-marking as a part of actual sawmill operation, with two methodi of branding, one by machine and the other with a hand-stamp.
Numerous architeits, contractors, retail lumber dealers, government officials and others for some years have urged the grade-marking of lumber by the manufacturers, ind Secretary Berckes in his communication to the architects, engineers. and contractors informs them of the progress made and requests each to express his individual views regarding the project.
Subscriber mills of the Southern Pine Association will brand the grade of the lumber upon the end of the board, so that it easily can be s'een by the buyer in the piles and ilIahe IWorc Nloney With less lfioney invested in your stock. Sell Lumber that gives your customers more than their money's worth.
(Tradetnarhed) sheds at the yards. The brand as contemplated will include the grade of the board, for example, "B & Btr", or "No. 1 Com." for B and Better and No. 1 Common, also the letters. "S P A" as the insignia of the Association, and in a circle there will be a number identifying the mill manufacturing the lumber. The grade-marking will be backed up by the Associatio_n's regular mill inspection, which is given only to subscriber mills.
"TheHeadquart"t" #tl^, UppineMahogany,, Gives the same exquisite effects as Honduras Mahogany but is 25/6 cheaperl Every stick, every board, every panel is Trademark-Guaranteed, hence both you and we can build repeat business with it. Our own Dry Kilns in San Francisco assure Dependable Service.
In commenting on the movement in his communication to the architects and contractors, Secretary Berckes says:
"Grade-marking of lumber is becoming imperativg because of economic changes within the industry with the production of large, well equipped arid well-organized mills, capable of producing well-manufactured and uniformly graded stock declining, and with the production of the small mills, which are not so well-equipped, increasing. Considerable complaint has been made by consumers of lumber that they are not getting the same quality of lumber that they formerly received.
"Grade-marked and trade-marked lumber afiords to the consumer guaranteed quality and grades, and seems to be the one means of convincing the public that good lumber can still be secured in quantity."
E. B. King, King Lumber Co., San Francisco, has been on the sick list for several days. It is reported that he is convale,scing nicely and will be back at his desk attending to his business interests soon.
Laminex withst an iI s st eam! Aprofitable doorbecause PoPular!