3 minute read
would the doors surviveT
VEN the steam from an exploded radiator cqn not make Laminex doors stick or iam. Common doors, under such abuse, will warp and twist and swell tight. Steam blisters their surface, leaving an ugly defect. The doors must be replaned and rehung!
Laminex, however, has been subjected to heat, water and strength tests at the University of Washington-has survived warehouse fires that twisted common doors out of shape-has gone through floods-and come through without warping or twisting!
Inminex is made of old-growth Douglas fir-built-up by a crossing process called "lamination"-muc6 different flom doors with solid stiles and rails which have no counter-check against warping. By uniting layers under tremendous pressure with the waterproof cement, we put amazing strength into Laminei. P.ogr"ssive door jobbers everywhere 51qck lraminex. There is real profit in Lamlnex for building material dealers. Ask us for our completemerchandising plan for Laminex dEalers. we will also send actual sample of Laminex wool io you can make the famous Laminex water test for yourself.
We Thank Thee
Great God! We thank Thee for this homeThis bounteotrs birthland of the free; Where wanderers from afar may come And breathe the air of liberty ! Still may her flowers untrampled spring, Her harvests wave, her cities rise; And yet, till time shall fold his wing, Remain Earth's loveliest paradise !
(William Jewett Pabodie.)
A Prize For Marksmanship
Sambo was newly married, and the insurance solicitor suggested to him that he take out a life insurance prem_ ium in his wife's favor.
"No suh," replied. Sambo, ,"at woman is too handy wid a flatiron, now. Ah don't aim to hang up no premium fo' her to th'ow at."
There, there, little Dollar, don't cry.
You're not worth your rulme, I know. You pass for your face,
But you can't keep the pace,
That is set by the H.C. of L., Oh No; There, there, little Dollar, don't cry.
There, there, little Dollar, don't cry.
You are doing your best, I know.
They're raising my rent
About thirty percent;
They've cut out my booze
But they raised on my shoes;
The bigger my pay
The more slips away;
The more o{ you come, the more of you go, The more I receive, the less I can show, But you're doin' the best you can, I know, There, there, little Dollar, don't cry.
A Catholic Bishop and his vicar_general, was examining a Sunday school class.
"What is matrimony?" asked the vicar.
"Matrimony is a state in which sinners sufier for a time before being allowed to enter into the Kingdom of Heavear," replied little Johnny.
"No, no, my child,,' said the vicar_general, ,.that is pur_ gatory you are thinking of.,'
"Ifush," said the Bishop, who was something of a wag, "perhaps the child is right; you don,t know.',
Rogers And Depew
Will Rogers recently struck a Tartar in the person of the 90 year old Senator Chauncey Depew, of New york, famous wit and humorist. Depew was spied in the audience at "The Follies" one night this winter, and Rogers called attention to his presence, made him st4nd up, and introduced him as a man who ,,has been errtertaining people for 91 years." Depew grinned and replied that it was true, and that in all that time he had never had to use a lasso to hold their attentiom, whereat the audience howled. and Rogers laughed loudest of all.
Advertising is the sho,rt cut between producer and consumer.
It cuts out all the curves and roundabout tours. The printed word does the work of thousands of salesmen.
Goods can never be sold unless there is a demand, and advertising creates that demand in the simplest, most direct, and least expensive way.
There has never been anything else discovered to take its place.
Advertising sells to the millions while salesmen sell to the thousands-and profits lie in the volume of business. Increased volume always decreases the cost of production. Advertising constantly works to'rvard keeping prices down, just as it helps the dealer, by his own advertising, to increase his sales volume or turnover and reduce his selling cost percentage.
To have your name bear proper fame, Through ag€s yet to be; Let every sun see something done Keep working busily.
Let not a day pass on its way Without some work completed, Or you will find yourself behind From all your kind deleted.
Very Different
There is a vast difference between the cost of DOING business and the cost of GETTING business. The first is an EXPENSE, to be watched with care. The second is an INVESTMENT on which the success of the business primarily depends.