3 minute read
W. E. Cooper, president of the well known Los Angeles lumber concern, W. E. Cooper Lumber Co., returned to Los Angeles the latter part of February after spending an enjoyable vacation in the Hawaiian Islands. IIe was accompanied by his two daughters, Marion and Catherine, on the trip. Their sojotrn on the Islands lasted a month.
M. B. Nelson, president of the Long-8e11 Lumber Ctl., Kansas City, is a Los Angeles visitor and will spend a month sojourning in Southern California. S'or the past ten years, Mr. Nelson has been avisitor at Palm Reach during the winter season, but this year he decided to sujourn in the Golden State.
L. D. CARper.rtB'n eNo teD coNNoR FORM NEW COMPANY
L. D. Carpenter and E. T. (Ted) Connor of Seattle, well known to the lumber trade of California, have organized under the firm name of Carpenter and Connor with heaciquarlers in Seattle, where they will carry on a general wholesale lumber business. Both Lyle Carpenter and Ted Connor hav-e been associated with the lumber and shingle industries in the Northwest for many years. L. A. Beckstrom, the Los Angeles wholesaler, will look after their accounts in the Southern California territory.
Lumber Cqmpany Sale Announced
Purchase of the City Lumber & Wrecking Company, San Diego, by the Whiting-Mead Co., has been announced by Harvey L. Minor, general manager of the WhitingMead Co. The Whiting-Mead Co. has been operating for the past twelve years, and has three branches in San Diego and one in El Centro.
Yard Has New Manager
C. O. Poor has been appointed manager of the United Lumber Yards at their Ripon yard. He was formerly manager of their yard at Denair.
Manager Resigns
H. K. Campbell, who was manager of the Oceanside yard for the Hayward Lumber & Investment Co., has resigned and will go in business for himself. He is succeeded by R. E. Envoldsen of San Pedro.
New Lumber Firm For La Jolla
A new lumber ccimpany, composed of 100 citizens of La Jolla, and to be known as the Wilson Lumber Co., has been organized at La Jolla. The officers of the company are: President, Judge John T. Kean; Vice-President and Secretary, Ivan Rice; Treasurer, Karl Kenyon and General Manager, C. R. Wilson. On the Board of Directors, in addition to the officers, are W. C. Crandall, MacArthur Gorton and }forace E. Rhoads. Work on the construction of the ne'rv yard will be started immediately. The company is capitalized at $150,000.
Lumbermen Organize Golf Club
The lumbermen enthusiasts of the Petroleum Securities Building of Los Angeles have organized agolf club and on. Tuesday afternoon, March 1, held a .ompetitive match. Clint Laughlin and Ted Lawrence were deilared the winners of the match play after a hot contest with Gus Hoover (who was pinch hitting for Jack Thomas) and L. A. Beck- strom. The membership of the Club to date includes: glilt l-ryChlin, L. A. Beckstrom, Ted Lawrence, Mark Lillard, Bob Forgie, Art Penberthy, Jack Rea and Jack Thomas.
(Continued from page l0)
Accumulation of waste and rubbish, smoking in the yards or mill, burning matches thoughtlessly dropped, carelegsness of any kind involving a 6re hazard-all these things are just so many stepping stones for 6re. Sooner or later, Fire will take advantage of the opportunities thus thrust before him, and destruction and loss will follow.
.Arizona, W. A. Lamprey, Tucson; California, Northern division, A. J. Russell, San'Francisco; Southern division, David Woodiead, Los Angeles; Idaho, n. j. Ostrander, Twin Falls; N{ontana, W. H. Boles, l,ewisiown; {eyad_a, Jesse E. Smith, Reno; Oregon, Eastern division, p. E. _Van Petten, Ontario; Western diviiion, J. W. Cope- land, Portland; Utah,. R. M. Cross, Salt Lake eity; Waitr_ ingto.n, flstern division, F. C. Kendall, Spokane;'Central division, W. C. Deering, Tpcoma; Western Division, John Dower, Tacoma; Wyoming, Geo. A. Heilman, Buffalo.
Directors for three years: California, Elmore King, Bakersfield, George Burnett, Tulare; Idaho, W. B. I{ussman, Cottonr.vood; Lewis Pettit, Pocatello; Montana. H. J. Sawte_ll, Ililes City; Washington, S. A, Foster; Wyom- ing, E. T. Foe, Salt Creek.
Registered from California
A. J. Russell ...Santa Fe Lumber Co., San Francisco
B. J. Boorman, ..... Boorman Lumber Co.. Oakland
G. A. Hemstreet..Paramino Lum. Co., San Francisco
S. D. Kellner....Parafine Companies, San Francisco, Sylvester L. Weaver
Ross M. Mack W::;:::H:l# #fg: 3::;
Chas. E. Sand..Weaver-Henry Mfg. Co., Los Angeles
G. R. Tully ..A. W. Smith Lumber Co., Los Angeles
Elmore King. ..King Lumber Co., Bakersfie,ld
F. Dean Prescott. Fresno Valley Lumber Co., Fresno
P. M. Norbryhn . ..... Rio Linda for about
Why not tear up the stepping stones and eliminate from one-half to three-fourths of the chance of 6re? The Agsociated Lumber Mutuals offer expert prevention service to help you remove fire hazards, and an aseurance of prompt payment of claims when losses come.