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Compensation Costs
All rates on COMPENSA,TION INSURANCE are eetablirhed and applicd by the California larpcction Rating Bureau" and thc ratc applicablc to cach claarification of indurtry ir made up on a cort of production barir. Thc actual accident cort! arG compared to the payroll and nurt ertablirh a rate pcr hundrcd dollarr of peyroll which rnurt producc cnough prcmium to pay all accident cortr plur e fair pcr ccnt of pro6t to the inrurance corapany. Undcr our plan of opcretion, profit nedc by thb Arociation ir rcturncd to thc Aeturcdr, and conrcqucntln our ururcdr obtain thcir protcction at actuel COST.
Ovcr a pcriod of thrcc ycarr thc cort of WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE her becn etcadily climbing, wLich har brought about corrcrponding incrcarer in rater for practically all thc clarificationr in cvcry indurtry.
Therc natc increarer have been practically uniforn, which it convincing proof that thcre murt bc come cau.c or group of cauler for bringing them about, and to prevent even further increalel, tLerc caurcr raurt be elininated.
(In our ne:t article we will take up there caurea.)
Agricultural Series. Bulletin No. 7-A
(By th,e California Redwood Ass'n.)