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Southern Pine Annual
A printed announcement of the Twelfth Annual Meeting of the'southern Pine Association, to be held in the Roosevelt Hotel, New Orleans, March 22 and 23, has been mailed to officers and salesmen of subscribers, to many other Southern Pine manufacturers who, while not actual subscribers to the Association, are nevertheless interested in its activities. to secretaries of all the Lumber Associations and to trade paper editors.
Incorporated in the announcement is a special mqjlsage from President A. J. Peavy, reading as follows:
'Thcre is no busincsa more imporant to subccribers, to the Southcrrr Pine Association t$an to attead th6 annual meeting this year.
"We nccd all the brains and enersr in the Southern Pine industry to help solve our problc.ms. In this day, busidens is suc! a huge underta&iag that the man who stands done is a thing of the pa.st.
'You rernqrrbcr the story told you as a boy at school regarding co-o,perating and working togethcr, and the illustration uscd of thc ease with which one stick was broken, but the impcsibility of thc task whcn a numbe,r of sticks wcre bound firmly togethcr. E Pluribus Unrm-in rmion there is strength.
"I-ast year was the great€st in the Associatiron's history for vigorous trade promotion and mcrchandising effort. Let's rcview what has gone before, and lay plans for a gteg't6 1m7."
Fiom present indications, its Twelfth Annual Convention will be one of the largest in the history of the Southern Pine Association. The trade promotion and merchandising activities of the Association, during 1926 and. the early part of the present year, have been greatly instrumental in furthering the interests of subscribers by broadening the area of Southern Pine consumption, increasing its many uses and creating a still higher regard for the product in the building world.
Notable among the recent activities of the Associatiorr are the establishment of district inspection service offices in New York, Chicago and Detroit, the inauguration of Southern Pine salesmen's group meetings in many sections of the actual consuming territory, and the erection of model frame houses in New Orleans and Miami, the latter materially resulting in the waiving of restrictions against wr,od construction in the higher class residential subdivisions there.
Paul Grady Addresses Spokane Chamber Of Commerce
For profitable marketing of timber products, the full cooperation of business is necessary. This was the keynote of a short address on the lumbering industry by Paul Grady of San Francisco and secretary of the National Box Manufacturers' Association before the membership luncheon of the Spokane Chamber of Commerce recently. Mr. Qt"4y pointed out that there is no shortage of lumber in the United States as is generally supposed and that there is enough standing timber on the Pacific coast to supply the present demand for the next 75 years. In brief, Mr. Grady announced figures on reforestation and stated that the Northwest is permanently assured of a lumber yield. Seven billion feefare now being cut annually in the district, he said, at an approximate figure of $30 a thousand feet, which makes a lremendous industry not only for the Northwest, but for the entire country.
Adams Lumber Company Incorporate
Adams Lumber Company of San Francisco has filed articles of incorporation in Oakland. Directors are: B. W. and M. D. Adims of Berkeley; F. F. Sayre of Stockton and E. S. Page of Berkeley. The comPany is capitalized for $100,000.
Under the terms of the Agricultural Appropriation bill recently approved by President Coolidge, the California district of the United States Forest Service will receive $1,149,471 for road and trail construction within the national forests of the state. Of this amount, W94,2@ is immediately available and $211,936 is awaiting favorable action by Congress on the pending deficiency bill. The balance, $243,326, will not become available until July 1.
In accordance with the terms of an agreement entered into between the Forest Service, State Highway Commission and the Bureau of Public Roads, $7n,n8 of these funds will be expended by the last named bureau in the development of roads of primary importance to the state, county or communities within or adjacent to the national forests. Subject to the approval of the Secretary of Agriculture, the specific projects on which these funds will be spent are:
Tnrck+Lake Tahoe . ..$1E0'000 San Marcos Extcnsion . 100'000 Trinity River Bridge, near Burnt Ranch 50'000 Blairsilcn-Quincy . 85,000
The balance of the road funds, amounting to some $300,000, remains unallotted pending the outcome of further negotiations.
In addition to the above mentioned sums, the Forest Service will expend $438,173 in the construction and maintenance of roads and trails necessary for the proper administration, protection and development of the national forest properties.
Mcmbcr Cdifornie Rcdwood rlgociation
Croclcr Birilding
Phonc Suttcr 6170
Lenc Mort3rgc Bldg.
Phonc TRinity 282
Adcqurtc rtoregc rtock at Sen Pcdro