1 minute read
Science nnd Skillmeot
When you sell ]our cus, tomer Pioneer Yosemite Rock Surfaced Shingles, you give him something MORE than the number of squares of roof cov€r. ing he orders.
You give him a product that reflects the development of 35 years experi, ence in the manufacture of roofings andshingles to meet the rigors of western climates.
It is this"ExtraValue" you give in Pioneer Yosernite Roclc Surfaced Shingles that makes steady cus, tomers for you instead of individual sales. There are other extra values too...reduced fire insurance, freedom from paint or stain, elimination of repair bills, durability arrd non,fading colors... all of which.total up in lower costs per year over a longer period of years.
Pioneer Paper
CO., fnc.
Established I888
"#J.L;;:):"" a Complete Line of Roo/tngs and. Building Poperc
Take Adaantage of thh Re-Roofing CamPaign!
In some 80 newspapers on thc Paci6c Coast more than 23,000,000 copies of lionccr ReRoofing advertisements are featuring thc Pioneer Yosemite Rock Surfaced Shingles. Check your stocks carefully and be ready to mect the demand this tremendous advertising efort is stimulating.