1 minute read


For the first time, cabinet made Bagac Doors offer the lumber dealer a line of stock doors architecturally correct in design and mould details, executed in the most beautiful of all hardwoods BAGAC.

Bagac is a hard, tough, dense-textured wood' In many respects, it is similar to Teak. In grain texture, it lies somewhere between Mahogany and Walnut. Bagac produces virtually no ribbon grain, regardless of how it is sa-ed. Rotary cut Bagac reveals a beautiful variety of grain textures, while quarter-sawing shows a uniform fine edge grain.

Bagac cabinet made doors are not to be confused with the ordinary type of mill-made stock doors they are constructed with all the care and precision which marks the work of the skilled cabinetmaker. Their moderate prices give but little indication of their quality.

Bagac Cabinet Made Doors will be a money-making feature for hundreds of dealers during 1930. 'Wtite us for a complete catalog of designs and sizes for interior, ex' terior and French doors.

Bagac, togelher oith Bataan and Lamao are produced bg us on our oron timber concessions in the Philippine Islands'

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