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Vagabond Editorials
(Continued from Page 6) sales territory there are roofs that should be recovered: ugly old front doors that would be instantly replaced if the attractive new door were properly offered; old kitchens that could be glorified by new built-in things; old bathrooms crying for modern equipment; old living rooms, old. dining rooms, old attics, old rooms of every sort, just wall-divided spaces that cry for the touch of a handl that knows how to modernize, brighten, irnprove.
The dealer sits and Says-"Business is slow." And all around him are drab, and lifeless, and ugly, and old-fashioned buildingg every one of which could be sold SOMETHING of an improvement character. EVERY ONE. And if there were a few exceptions, like all exceptions, they would only prove the rule. Paint is needed everywhere. Paint, and still more paint. New and ,attractive hardware is a real need. ***
The dwellers in these houses generally don't realize themselves how bad they are-how much they need-what wonders could be done for them at small cost. They don't know. But YOU know, or should krp*r. And it's your job to shorv them, to tell them, to quote them, to sell them, to deliver the goods, to perform the service, to sell human happiness by showing these millions of folks scattered over every state in this Union how they make their houses into more home-like dwellings. If THAT isn,t yOUR job-then in Heaven's lrame, what is your job? To stock and quote on and measure out boards, and roofing, and these other raw materials? Fiddlesticks! God put you on earth for a biggei job than that.
Quit passing the or"o ,J oia ua, Luck, my retail friends. If you are going to get by this year it is going to be because you have put your thinking and working equipment into unusual service. And if you don't get by, it's your own fault. When the end of 1930 comes, Mr. Dealer, if you write at the end of your year book-,,This year was a failure", just add another line, a true line, and make it read-"AND IT.wAS ": O.*I D-N FAULT.,I
Eguip yourself ! Do it NOW ! Be prepared to show these people who live in your territory, just exactly what you can do to and for his home, the sales to range from the ver5r smallest improvement, to a complete remodeling or convirsion job. Glorify the small order. Find out every house in your territory that hasn't a full length plate glass mirror door iq it-AND PUT ONE IN. Any dealer that can't sell one of those bdd:room doors to any woman who hasn't one, ought to t'ake up some other line of business. She'll steal the money to buy it, if necessary.
Not only tell them of the built-ins that will re-new their home-SHOW THEM. Cut out your everlasting and business-stifing conservatism, and put these things into your place of business where you can show and detnonstrate them.. Show them how to change their old-fashioned windows, their old-fashioned doors, their old-fashioned roois, their old-fashioned floors; show them how to |anel their living room with cheap lumber, and npke a beautiful room; show them what well selected paint will do to make their homes attractive. ***
Inyentory your territory. List your prospects. Get out of your office; get away from your yard; make a house-tohouse canvassi get into personal contact with your trade; make this a banner year to the people of your territory by gtving them such service as will make them pleased and satisfied with their dwellings.
A board and a nail and a can of paint
Make many " ni"": look new that ain't.
1930 is going to be what you make it. Don't doubt it. Don't forget it. Don't pass the buck. Get out, get busy, think, work, develop, sell, modernize your district. This kind of business CAN'T come to you. The only question today is, WILL YOU GO TO IT?