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Suspension Lifted on Reduced - Southern Directors Meet at
Rates to Southwest
The West Coast Lumbermen's Association has been advised that the Interstate Commerce Commission has lifted the suspension it had placed on the 1S-cent freight rate reduction announced earlv in 1929 bv the Northern Pacific and the Great Northern roads on shipments of lumber from the North Pacific Coast and related groups to Dallas, Fort Worth and other intermediate TexaS points along the route of the Colorado and Southern System south of Denver. H. N. Proebstel, Association traffic manager, stated that the suspension removal, effective March 1, establishes the right of these two lines to charge 62f cents per hundred pounds instead of. 77tl cents for- lumber carried over their lines from the Northwest to the Southrvest territory. As other lines are expected to announce similar rates, the effect will be to establish a blanket rate of 621 cents over a large area formerly covered by 70 and 771 cent rates, including practically all of Tbxas, Southeastern New Mexico, most of Oklahoma and Southeastern Kansas. The area affected by the rate change last year took about 6 per cent of the West Coast rail shipments, according to a study made by the West Coast Lumbermen's Association from the reoorts of a group of mills making weekly reports.
San Diego
The directors of the Southern District of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association met at t-he San Diego Athletic Club, San Diego, on Saturday, March 1. The secretaiies of the Southern California lumbermen's clubs, together with the San Diego dealers, were invited to have luncheon with the state association directors.
Following the luncheon there was a business session which was presided over by Walter S. Spiier, vice-president for the Southern District of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association. In addition to reports of the Roofing, Cement and Hardwood Flooring committees, Dudley Chandler, Jerry Sullivan, Sr., A. J. Stoner and Kenneth Smith addressed the meeting.
Purchases Partner's Interest
J. A. Smilie purchased on March 1 the interest of his partner, lI. E. Wharton, in the co-partnership of Smilie & Wharton, Walnut Creek, and is.now the sole owner of the business, rvhich will be operated'in future in the name of the Smilie Lumber Co.