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Builders Exchange of Santa Ana Holds Rousing Meeting and Decides to Stage Remodeling Campaign
The Builders Exchange of Santa Ana, California, has been debating for some time a live and rousing remodeling and modernizing campaign for that city. This idea came to a head the night of Thursday, March 7th, when a big dinner was held in that city which was attended by outstanding representatives of all the various building trades of Santa Ana, lumbermen, roofers, paper and paint men. plumbers, electrical industry, etc. A good dinner was followed by a pleasing musical pr'ogram. and then by the program of the evening. Jack Dionne, of The California Lumber Merchant, delivered the address of the evening on the subject of remodeling, an inspirational talk ,on the st'ewardship of the building industry. The basis of his remarks were that if the building trade were to do jus,tice to their present opportunities they might know abundant prosperity this year even though they never quoted on a single new house bill. He told them how and rvhy for thirty minutes.
He was followed by Mr. Earl Bowe, of Los Angeles, Southern California field representbtive of The National Lumber Manufacturers Association, who presented the famous remodeling movie of that association entitled"The Transformation." Mr. Bowe made a few pertinent remarks concerning the film and its message.
The followed a series of short impromptu talks by representatives of all the trades there present, and they voted unanimously to support and assist in a remodeling' campaign for Santa Ana, to begin at once. Mr. O. H. Barr spoke enthusiastically for the lumber end of the thing.
Mr. J. C. McCune, of Los Angeles, representative in Southern California of The West Coast Lumbermen's Association of Seattle, proffered the assistance and cooperation of his Association.
Stanley Clem of The Santa Ana Lumber Company took a prominent part in the preparations for the banquet, and in the program.