4 minute read
Calaveras Cement Company Entettains Two Valley Clubs at San Andreas
Chas. G. Bird C hairman of Arrangcnrcnts C ommittee
_ A joint meeting of the Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club and the Central California Lumbermen's Club. was held on Saturday, March 8, at the Kentucky House, near San Andreas, Calaveras County. the clubhouie of the Calaveras Cement Company, whose guests the lumbermen were for the occasion.
Luncheon was served at 12:30 p. m. in the dining room of the Kentucky llouse. Alex E,merson, of Stockton, led the gathering in the singing of the Star Spangled Banner, and also in community singing.
J. F. Holmes, 'Woodland Lumber Co., Woodland, presi- dent of the Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club, presided, and seated at the head table were Warren S. Tillion. Jr., president of the Central California Lumbermen's Club; Harry A. Lake, president of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, and Chas. G. Bird, Stockton Lumber Co., Stockton, chairman of the arrangements committee for the meeting.
Harry A. Lake, president of the State Association, addressed the meeting on the subject of organization, point- ing out the benefits already to be observed as a result of the splendid growth in membership of the State Association, which he said is norv a powirful organization with which the manufacturers and wholesalers-of lumber and other materials are eager to cooperate. He predicted that the membership would reach 5@ by the end of this year.
Mr. Lake expressed satisfaction with the manner in which retailers are cooperating with each other in almost every district. There are now, he said. 42 local associations in the state, 32 of which have paid secretaries. and representing a total of 750 yards.
The speaker concluded with an appreciation of the fine work done not only by the board of directors, but by all the individual members of the association who had been asked to do committee work.
Jason McCune, of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, Seattle, who now makes his headquarteri at Los Angeles, followed with a talk on the subject of "Coopera- tion Betrveen the West Coast Lumbermen's Associltion and California Retailers."
Mr. McCune's talk was well received, particularly his statement of the manufacturers' plans to help the relailer to sell more lumber.
Those joining in discussion on various points in these two talks included George A. Good, Good Lumber Co., Tracy; W' H. Falconbury, San Joaquin Lumber Co., Stockton; J. U. Gartin, Stanislaus 'Lumber Co., Modesto; R. P. Fuller, lfome Lumber Co., Manteca. and I. F. Holmes. Woodland Lumber Co., Woodland.
Chas. G. Bird read a letter from the secretary of the San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's Club, regretting that it was impossible for any of their members to be present owing to an important reorganization meeting of their club.
Cement Plant Inspected
The meeting was temporarily adjourned at 4 p. m. in order to_give those present an opportunity to visit the plant of the Calaveras Cement Companv at the invitation of H. C. Maginn, sales rhanager of tire io-p"try.
The trip through the plant proved most interesting. Two of the operations which seemed very attractive to th1 lumberman were the raw mill which reduces the rock to powder, and the automatic filling of the sacks with the exact amount of finished material required.
The capacity of the plant is 3500 barrels a day, and it is clairned by its owners to be the newest and most up-to-date cement plant in the West. Robert Townsend is superintendent.
C. W. Zimmerman, sales engineer for the Treated Materials department of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, spoke briefly on "Treated Materials."
The business session was concluded with a talk on "Termites". by A. L. Pickens, of the Termite Investigations Committee, and the University of California. Thii talk. illustrated by slides, given in Mr. Pickens' inimitable stylei proved most informative to the lumbermen, and his descrip- tion of the social habits of these enemies of wood was very entertaining.
Dinner was served promptly at 6 p. m. Entertainment was again furnished by Alex Emerson in the form of Scotch songs and stories.
Immediately after dinner a Hoo lf oo Concatenation under the auspices of Vicegerents George W. Robinson and C. A. Minard of the Stockton and Sacramento districts, was held and 12 Kittens were initiated ifito the mysteries of Hoo Hoo, and five old cats were reinstated.
Chas. G. Bird acted as Snark and he was assisted in the degree work by the following officers: Senior lfoo lloo, C. D. LeMaster; Junior Hoo Hoo, R, A. His,cox; Bojum, C. A. Minard; Scrivenoter, J. U. Gartin; Jabberwock, Harvey-Isenhower; Custocatian, Walter Baker; Arcanoper, R. L. Ustick; Gurdon, Chas. C. Moorehead.
Kittens: H. A. Pefley, Friend & Terry Lumber Co., Sacramento; C. H. Atwood, Modesto Lumber Co., Modesto; F. M. Christiansen, Modesto Lumber Co., Modesto; R. B. Gartin, Stanislaus Lumber Co., Salida; Jack W. Pearson, Redwood Manufacturers Co., Pittsburg; Arthur J. Field, Moorehead Lumber Co., Escalon; J. F. Johnson, Modesto Lumber Co., Ceres; Chas. T. Gartin. California Cedar Products Co., Stockton; Irvin J. Symons, Hales & Symons, Sonora; Cletus W. Wright, The Diamond Match Co., (Continued on Page 20)
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