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Anothe r exclusive profit-moker for you
PABCOTILE odds to the olreody strong line of Pobco Products onother exclusive roofing of g reot profit-mo ki n g poss i bi I ities.
This potented Sponish tile type of reody roofing, in severol individuol colorings, opens up to you o huge new morketthe people who wont to remodel their homes olong Sponish lines.
Since Pobcotile is so much lighter thon cloy, no speciol roof construction is necessory. lt con be opplied over on old roof o lmost os eosily ond quickly os Pobco Shingles.
The tronsformotion PABCOTILE mokes in the oppeoronce of o home is remorkoble. One PABCOTILE r"oof will sell mony other iobs olmost outomoticolly.
A true money-moker - potentedobtoinoble in no other line -with o huge morket woiting for it- you owe it to your pocketbook to investigote PABCOTILE ot once so os to profit by it fullyduring this spring building seoson.
Ask our neorest ofiice to show you somples ond give you detoils. Or write for {olders ond full informotion.