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What Knock and Attack Has Dill Lumber Co. purchase Done to Help Philippine Yard at Redlands Mahogany
If you want to find a wondertul example of what knock_ ing and fighting will do FOR a good product, please con. sider the case of Philippipe Mahogany. For the past several years the importers of the older.and so-called l.True" Ma_ hoganies have been. attacking these philippine woods through the Federal Trade Commission. Before this public attack started the public didn't know much about philippine Mahogany. What the public has learned is well shown in business conditions this winter.
W. G. Scrim of Los Angeles, American representative for The Findlay Millar Timber Company, Xargest manufacturers and importers of Philippine lumber, is authority for the statement that during the past winter they have cut their prices not a single penny, that their inquiries are mcre numerous in the past three monthg than at any time in their. history, that their mills are operating full capa.city, and their order book is filled.well ahead of their shipments. No other wood has any comparable record.
A little more o,f the same publicity and philippine hard_ woods bid fair to becorne the world's most prosperous woods.
R9I-L. Sandefur, vice-president and general manager of the Di'lt Lumber Compan1,, whose head-q.r..t..s are at Ar_ lington, announces thi purchase of tt.' B";;";_j.h;;;" Lumber Co. vard at Redlands. Mr- Bowm". i;';i;i;; from the business. Mt. J;h;;;; ;iil rIL," an rnterest rn the business and will be ihe local manager of the Redlands yard. The Dill Lumber Co. also operate- yards at Bannine. Hemet, Elsinore and Arlingtoir. f. H. dill i;;;";ffi;'Si the company; H. W. Dill, iecretary, "nd C. f,.^ Oiff. ii"""_ urer.
Moore Dry Kiln Co. Announce True Tread Trucks
A recent issue of "Vq9.. !'a:ts,,' published by the Moore Dry-Kiln. Comp_any of North portland, Or.., iJ d"r;;ioti;; or rvloore's trucks, electric transfer cars, heavy duty tians_ fer cars, car.p_u_llers, car-stops, kiln lvilkw"y, 'S*un'f"-n", stackers and.Hep-penstall unstacker with ieitelt lift: Thi; crrcutar wlil be ot rnterest to the lumber industry. the {o91e Dry _Kiln Company have several thousand. copres ot thts crrcular ready for free distribution.
^ Tt q Tremblay, general manager oiit. port b-irora Leoar rroducts Uompany, Marshfield, Oregon, has been spending the past several days in.Los Angel& "1, l".ir"*.