1 minute read

CIEILQITEX INSUL.{ TING CA![E BOA3.I) nationally advertised more powerfully and more continuously than any other material in your yards

M ILLIONS of dollars worth. of national advertising has thoroughly sold home buyers and owners on the need for Celotex insulation.

Architects and builders know its structural and insulating advantages . appreciate the nation-wide preference for Celotex-insulated homes.

All that is needed is the final punch that personal salesmanship alone can give. Teach your men to capitalize its tremendous popularity. Tell them to go after a Celotex item on every building list !

is easier to sell, because the name 'Celotex has become a household word for effective insulation.

is advertised and merchandised to every factor in the building industry.

is backed by the most complete merchandising plans offered you by any manufacturer.

generously repays every ounce of extra. sales effort you put behind it.

Gentlemen: Please send tne your new

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