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Port Orford Cedar tor the "built-ins" of many fine I nomes
The _vogue _fot built-ins is growing- the demand for Port Orfoid Wf,it" Cedar, ideal for this purpose, is constantly increasing. Built-ins provide the maximum of storage area in a limited space, and when made of port Orford Cedar they aford consrant satisfaction because they will nor warp or pull out of place. Nails stay in place. Port Orford Cedar is also excellent for closet linings because of its extreme smoothness and delightful cedar aroma.
Fine grained, cream-ryhite, Port Orford Cedar stains to rich softness or enamels with a porcelain-like finish. Architects select this fine cedar for the homes of their most particular clients because it gives lasting beauty and satisfaction.
Adu er t i s in g cr eat in g demand
Stock your yard now with Pott Orford Cedar. Mixed cars-all grades and standard sizes can be obtained prompt- ly. Nationally advertised-universally demanded. California representatives are: R. C. Turner, 407 Call Bldg., San Franciscol Thos.' 17. Dant, 606 Petroleum Securities Bldg., Los Angeles.
A Port Orford Ced.ar hitchen in the Jacob Stern resid.ence, Beaerly Hills, California. Also linen cabinet ol the M. A. Harris residence, Athqton, Calif ornia. " Mot" Harris is o uell-hnown lum- ber dealer and chose Port Orfoxl Ced.ar for the cobinet uork throughout his fne home,
Port Orford Cedar Plywood has exceptional qualities, because of its resistance to warping-its possibilities for perfect finishing with enamels or stains. All thicknesses from l/16 inch are available and sizes up to 4x8 feet. Ideal for paneling, for cabinet work and many other uses. Port Orford
Cedar Plywood representatives are: H. B. Maris Panel Company, 73, Third Sreet, San FranciJco.' Calif. California Panel dc Veneer Co.. 951 So. Alameda Sffeer, Los Angeles. Send the coupon- for booklel giving more complete information about thii profitable new yard stock.