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Imperial Yalley Lumbermen Meet

The Imperial \ralley Lumbermen's Association held a general meeting_on Friday evening, Fel-rruary 2g, at the Planters Hotel, Brawlev. Calif.

C. W. Pinkerton. Wirittier, chairman of the Legislative Committee of the California Retail Lumbermen'. i...o.;r_ tion, addressed the me.eting on the needs of the indusi.y in the matter of better laws- safeguarding the retail luniber dealers and rvhat is being donJthroug"h the state urro.l"_ tion to bring about the dlsired chansEs.

-.Dudle.y_Chandler, Los Angele., rnu"n"g., of the Buildine Material Dealers' Credit Asiociation of Lo. A"s;;.,";;: plained some of the problems with which the t_?$stati"e Committee that funcfions at Sacramento during tie .iate legislative sessions is confronted, and also sp&e ;- ih; value .of proper credit -analysis and the necesiity of -oi" attention- on the part of buiiding material mercha'nts t" tr-'. matter of credit.

The following attended the meeting:

^ F: E_ Miner,-Whiting_Mead Co., -pt' Centro, presiclent; O. S. Reid, Hammond-l-umber Co., Brawley,' ii."_-pr..ii dent; W. M. Wheatly, E,l Centro, secretary, niif ai"g'S.;_ ice Bureau; W. C. Jones, Valley Lumber to., Calexl.o,-ai_ rector; Jas. !V. Glaigow, El Centro Lumber 8z fr"Jl"g 'C..,


_,+,. P.. Edgecomb, president of the Insular Lumber Co., rnrladelphta, largest manufacturers of philippine lumber tn the world, with a capacity_ of 60 million feei a year, ar_ rived at San Francisco -Marih 6 on board the Doilar iiner President Grant from Manila.

Mr.Edgecomb has just completed his annual trip of several months' duration to'his iompany's operations.' White Broth_ers, San Franci..o, u'.. igents for the In_ sular Lumber Co. in Northern California,"and the W..t"." Hardwood Lumber Co.,'Los Angbles, are agents in S;;ih- ern California.


_ S. n4. Hauptman. president of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Company, San Francisco, has returned to his home atter spending a week in Southern California on business.

El Centro, director; Andrew M. Morrow. Morrow Lumber Co., Brarvley, director; Chas. E. Sones, Sones Lumber Co., El Centro, director.

Harry Sones, Merl A. Sones and Mark Bradlev. Tr.. Sones Lumber Co., tr! Centro; Bert Reddish, J. A. Siirdez, l9.l.r L_umer_Co., Calexico; J. S.Jones, W. d. Frey, Glen Yilner, l\{iss Jan^e Polk and E. T. Sanders, Valley iumber Co.. E! Centro; Geo. T. Saunders, F. M. Brick, C. G. Iones and Miss Rrrth Ritter, Valley Lumber Co., Calexicoi Au_ brey A. Moo_{y, Whiting Mead Co., El Centro; H. a. T-atham.and H._J. Coburn Whiting Mead Co., Brawley; J. D. Allison, Hammo,nd I umber eo., Brawley; Geo. b. Raine, Hammond Lumber Co., Westmoreland; S. k. Weak_ !e_y a1d Ray Bristol, Kerckhoff-Cuzner, Brawley; Wilev Manning, Kerchofi-Cuzner, Calipatria; Chas. H.' Morro#, Morrow Lumber Co., Brawley; Margaret G. Wheatly, Ei Centro, assistant to secretary, Buildine Service. Bureau.

The guests were: C. W. Remele, Imlperial Vallev Credit Association; Frank Richmond, secreta-ry, Master plumb_ ers' Association, Richmond Bros. plumbing, El Centro; C. W. Pinkerton, Whittier Lumber Co., Wtritiier: and Dud_ ley Chandler. Building Material Dealers' Credit Associa- tion, Los Angeles.

cEo. J. oscooD,vrsrTs CALTFoRNTA

^ George J..Osgood, president of the Wheeler Osgood Co., Tacoma, visited Los Angeles and San Francisco iast week on his rv_ay ho^me from a three months' trip to the Eastern states.. Mr. Osgood confered with Bob- Osgood at the Los.-Angeles office, and with Larue Woodso-n, Northern California representative in San Francisco.


W. R. Chamberlin, W. R. Chamberlin Company, Los fpS"t.* has recently returnecl from a two weeks, business rrlp to San Franclsco.


Arthur B. "Art" Griswold of the C. D. Johnson Lumber Company, San Francisco, is once more being_ away from work for a week due to an attack of bronchial asthma.

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