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New Terminal of Lumber Distributors, Inc. Compfeted at Port Stockton

Construction of the new wholesale assembling yard of Lumber Distributors, fnc., at the port of Stockton was recently completed, and the first million feet of inventory was received via the steamers Hubert Schafer and Timberman.

The new plant is located on the port of Stockton prop_ erty, directly adjacent to the deep water docks. The site is more than four a,cres in extent.

Crane Shed Capacity 2,000,000 Feet

The crane shed, with a ""p".ity of 2,000,000 feet, is 400 feet long, 78 feet wide, and is 2i feet io the bridge crane track.

Of truss construction, the merbell Truss Company, is rights, thereby allowing the working space.

All stock is piled in units by the 10_ton crane. The units or "packages" are two feet by four feet. Each unit, as_ sorted as to grade, size and length, consists of a certain standard number of pieces so assorted that it comprises a certain uniform footage, rvith the exception of those units made up of 10 inch widths.

This schedule is shown in Santa Fe Lumber Company,s price list issued under date of February 1.

The Port of Stockton has installed a railroad switch into the crane bay and shed whereby cars may be loaded on any one of the railroads serving Stockton.

Trucks Loaded Under Crane

Trucks are loaded under the crane. Destination prices via truck or rail are quoted on a most reasonable basis.

Orders are also solicited for .,direct', mill shipment. With a l4-day steamer schedule established for Stockton and San

Lumber Distributors, Inc.

Francjsco Bay deliveries very prompt servi,ce is assured from Puget Sound,and the Columbia River.

rhe Stockto,, pr,lffiH,l;:T.l1Tlt,,"r i,,".,,tory,, of pra-ctically all Douglas Fir items ordinarily stocked ny in_ terior yards, and will specialize on heavy construction sizes, rlimension, clears, and mining timbers.

With a fortnightly steamer service the inventory will be replenished twice a month, thus insuring fresh, clean stock at all times.

The plant was erected by John lfachman, one of Stock_ toni5 ls24hg contractors.

An attractive basic price list, subject to substantial disc-ounts, and "perpetual inventory,,, have been issued by Santa Fe Lumber Company, through whose office all sales and invoicing will be done.

The price list carries an airplane view of a portion of the Port of Stockton. It was designed and produced by Har_ vey A. Miles Company of San Francisco.

.'Ole', Carter Manages Terminal

O. H. Carter, at one time manager of Fresno Lumber Company, and more recently in charge of Santa Fe Lum_ ber Company's interests at palo Alto, is manager at Stock_ ton. L. W. Calvert is his assistant. ,,Ole', Carter is well known by the Valley dealers, and is well versed as to their problems and requirements.

Chas. B. Cross, formerly with Cross Lumber Company, coalinga, has been engaged to travel the sacramento ani upper San Joaquin territory for santa Fe, while Earr carlson will continue his calls in the lower San Joaquin Valley and Coast Counties.

Port ol

"Prices ex lvarehouie and for 'direct' mill shipment as oftered by Santa Fe Lumber Company will at all times closely follow market changes and value," A. J. "Gus" Rttssell, manager of Santa Fe Lumber Company, stated to a representative of this paper.

On Purely Wholesale Basis "service and transactions will be on a wholesale basis,

Back From The East

Edric E. Brown, manager of the bark products division of The Pacific Lumber Co., San Francisco, has returned from a two months' business tour of the Eastern states. He reports that much optimism regarding the future was expressed by business men in various lines with whom he came in contact all over the Eastern territory.

Stoclcton and entirely with the yard trade, no retail business being attempted.

"Lumber Distributors, Inc., inventory, plus'direct' deliveries every two weeks, should prove a most valuable adjunct to every dealer geographically situated to take advantage of them."

Back From Northwest

F. S. Buckley, Buckley Lumber Dealers Supply Company, San Francisco, returned March 10 from a rnonth's lrip to Portland. He reports the company's new plant in Portland is now receiving stock, and will be ready to make shipments after April 1. The next issue of this paper will carry an important announcement for this company.

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