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4lltl // t I AWWOl,LnCUngo Our New Sptilng n'N4[oCle[ou
Strangely enough, it is NOT streamlined, nor has it "safety glass" or "controlled ventilation." In fact, we have to break down and confess that it doesn't even possess common, every day "knee action."
BLJT-even lacking these latest mechanical gadgets-as the last word in a Credit Rating Book, our New April 1935 Edition, leaves nothing to be desired.
Checil< fhese featnar€,soo
O Over t0,000 definitely rated lumber manufacturers, Wholesale and Retail lumber dealers. Millwork Manu' facturers, Furniture Manufacturers and other manuf acturing woodworkers.
O Large two-color State Maps.
O Digest of Commercial Laws of each State.
o Sreet Addresses in l2l large Cities.
o Indexed for quick reference.
Our TWICE-A-WEEK Supplemental Sheets flash the latest credit changes-as they occur (and incidentally' are an excellent source of new sales ProsPects).
The NEIT (107th) Edition will be ready for distribution April l.
n ::fi .'.T1,::"0?l; J:t"':?j il ::11: -
including our 3O-DAY APPROVAL
Trade Flashes-
Furniture sales up 20/o to r0% . .
$200,000,000 being spent for modernization under the FHA
Our Supplemented April Edition will permit you to take full advantage of these opportunities for increased sales-with maximum safety.