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Coast Counties Lumb ermen's Cfub Hofds Sixth Annual Meeting
The sixth annual meeting of the Coast Counties Lumbermen's Club was held at the Resetar Hotel, Watsonville, on Wednesday evening, March 6.
W. H. Enlow, Hammond Lumber Co., Watsonville, presided.
Ed Kneass, representative of the lrlational Housing Administration, San Francisco, addressed the meeting on the subje,ct of the Federal Housing program.
John A. Davis, Bank of America, Monterdy, discussed the National Housing Program from the banker's standpoint.
Harry A. Lake, president of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, spoke on general conditions in the lumber industry.
Edwin P. Gerth, of the Gerth-Knollin Advertising Agen'cy, San Francisco, rvho is in ,charge of the ,,Redwood Reveries" radio program, sponsored by the California Redwood Association, gave an interesting talk on advertising.
E. L. Clements, code authority agent of the Builders Sup- ply Industry of Northern California, discussed code functions.
J. H. Kirk, S. P. Milling Company, San Luis Obispo, member of the California Lumbermen's Council, spoke on Council activities.
L. M. Tynan, Tynan Lumber Company, Salinas, discussed Association activities.
Merle D. Bishop, Watsonville, is secretary-manager of the Coast Counties Lumbermen's Club.
The follorving guests and mernbers rvere present: t y.Henry, S. P. Milling Co., Kind Citi.
F. L. Sayre, Sterling Lumber Company, Oakland.
9.o.W. Gorman, Hammond Lumber Co., San Francisco. Geo. Hopkinr, F"! Francisco Wrecking io., Watsonville. Geg:S9 A. Bush, Central Supply Co., Watsonville.
$. F._ _Pq!ray_,_ San Francisco W recki ng Co., Watsonville.
J. S. Webb, Watsonville Lumbermen'Jclub. Watsonville.
L. A. Biersch, Central Supply Co., Watsonville.
Ernest L. Clements, Hayivird Building Materials Co., Hayrvard.
J. B. McVfillan, Central Supply Co., Santa. Cruz.
I 9. fllatey, M. J. Murp6y, inc., Carmel.
C. H. Griffen,Jr., Hebbron Lumber Co., Santa Cruz.
E. D. Hutchinson, S. P. Milling Co., Gilroy.
Frank McGinnis., Lathrop Hay"& Giain Co., Tres pinos.
Stuart A. Work, The Work Lumber Co., Monterey.
R. P. Davison, Salinas Lumbermen's Club. Salinas.
Q. _!, $_enry, S_. P. Milling Co., King City.
H. Lasserot, Freedom Lumber Co.. Watsonville.
F. C. Sparling, Homer T. Hayward Lumber Co., Hollrster.
Gle.nn Bronson, lfomer T. Hayward Lumber Co., Watsonville.
Malcolm Sinclair, Wood Brothers Co.. Santa Cruz.
Lester A. Tgr-y, _Norton-Phelps Lumber Co., Aptos.
^ J. A. Greenelsh, Homer T. Hayward Lumbei Cb., pacific Grove.
H. B. Chadbourne, Salinas Lumber Co., Salinas.
Chas.-Peterson, Peterson's Planing Mill, Watsonville.
J. E. Norton, Norton-Phelps Lum6er Co., Santa Cruz. _ Homer T. Hayward, Homer T. Haylvard Lumber Co., Salinas.
A. C. Hayward, Homer T. Hayward Lumber Co., Salinas.
Edgar L. Essley
Edwin P. Gerth, Gerth--Knollin Adveitising Agency, San Francisco.
U, M. Daubin, Sterling Lunrber Co-pany, Salinas. -.
H. A. Lake, Garden Grove Lumber Co., Garden Grove.
W. H. Enlow, Harnmond Lumber Co.. Watsonville.
^ Fred Witmer, N{onterey Lumbermen's Club, pacific Grove.
M. D. Bishop, Coast Counties Lumbermen,s Club. Watsonville.
Ed Kneass, Federal Housing Admiiristration, San Franclsco.
* Johl O. Rognas, Federal Housing Administration, San Francisco.
Jqh" ,{ _Davis, Bank of America, N{onterey.
Lloyd M. Hebbron, Hebbron Lumber Co..-Santa Cruz.
Wendell Van Houten, Wood Brothers Co., Santa Cruz.
Roy_ Gleasol, S. P. Milling Co., King Cityj.
H. Jensen, Sunnyside Lumber Co., Santa Cruz.
E. E. Carriger, Wood Bros. Co., Santa Cruz.
A. Stoodley, Santa Cruz Luurbermen's Club. Santa Cruz.
C. E. Colburn, IJnion Supply Co., Monterey.
F. L. Lake, Bellflorver.
O. F. Liebeskind, S. P. Millins Co., San Francisco.
P. Ferris, S. P. l\Tilling Co., Soledad.
E. J. Donahue, Central Supply Co.. Salinas.
W. A. Bales, McKinnon's Lumber Yard, Hollister.
L. M. Tynan, Tynan Lumber Co., Salinas.
Wm. Qillon, S. P. Milling Co., San Francisco.
J. 4. Ei*, S. P. Milling Co., San Luis Obispo.
J. H. Heick, Ifammond Lumber Co., Watsonville.
Edgar L. Essley, chief of police at Whittier, California, died Monday, March 4, at the N{urphy Memorial Hospital from complications following an operation for appendicitis on February 15. He was the father of Dee C. Essley of Oakland, secretary of the Retail Lumber and Building Material Code, Inc., Northern California Division, and manager of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association.
Mr. Essley was 65 years of age and a pioneer resident of Whittier locating there in 1902 when he established the Whittier Transfer & Storage business. In 1917, he was appointed city marshall and ex-officio license and tax collector, the title of this position being later changed to chief of police. He resigned in 192L. He was reappointed chief in 1925 and held the office until his death.
He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Caroline C. Essley; his mother, Mrs. Lucinda Essley of Whittier; two sons, Dee C. Essley of Oakland and Cloy,ce Essley of Whittier, and two daughters, Mrs. Ethel Mallory of Whittier and Mrs. Edna Jackson of Pico. Funeral services were held at Whittier, Wednesday afternoon, March 6.
New Yard At Los Gatos
McElroy & Cheim Lumber Co. recently opened a branch yard at Los Gatos. The company's headquarters is in San Jose.