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February Building Activity Vacation Homes Plan Folder Will
in Western States
Tu,cson .......$
be Help to Dealer
A distinct service to the lumber dealers and to those of the public who aie contemplating the building of a vacation home has been rendered by the California Redwood Asso'ciation by their publication of a limited edition of a folder containing 22 plans of Redwood Vacation Homes.
The idea for this attractive publication originated with J. W. "Jack" Williams, secretary of the Association, and the plans were drawn by L. J. Klein, of the Association's technical staff.
"The designs," to quote the foreword in part, "were conceived to meet the demand for a serviceible vacation home
2,W at moderate cost. with customarv comforts and conven17,218 iences that are the natural desire oi th" modern vacationist; 1,125 also if necessary, to become a permanent dwelling.
7,763 "These plans are for somewhat more than the car'elessly
4,720 and hurrieily erected shelters of assorted materials at hand, 151,140 without thought of design, setting or permanency.
3,843 "The intention of this presentation is to assist you in formulating and incorporating into your building individual 75W ideas (as no two persons will have the same requirements),
14,280 and in turn make it possible to more clearly indicate to your architect or builder who will develop your ideas to L,26O neet all 'conditions involved, giving you an individual
3,825 home, for a particular location and setting, with due conI49,W5 sideration to selection of materials
133,041 "The plans are developed to give maximum room space
42,755 within limited area without waste and still furnish all I2I,575 essential conveniences to simplify housekeeping and up5,7m keep, thereby affording more leisure, enjoyment of com-
1,115 forts, and the restfulness desirable in this type of dwellO,O75 ling."
Dealers wishing to get a supply of these folders should gZ,ZlO get in touch with the California Redwood Association, 405 Montgomery Street, San Francisco.
New Arrival
Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Grimes are receiving congratulations on the birth of a seven pound boy at the Merritt Hospital, February 28.
Mr. Grimes, better known as "Red" than by his initials, is salesman for The Pacific Lumber Company in Southern California.
Visits California
E. W. Daniels, vi.ce president and sales manager, Harbor Plywood Corporation, Hbquiam, Wash., visited San Francisco last week and ,conferred with C. W. Bu,ckner, California sales representative. He also visited the Los Angeles office and traveled both ways by plane from Portland to Los Angeles.