1 minute read

the new DFP W methodof construction

o The new DFP Dri-Bilt with PIY' wood principle provides fot the buildini of w-all aid ceiling sections a-a,v from the iob-site in shed or *"t6h'o,rse. Thii means that when sections are brought to the job-site bv truck, the walls can be erected ii bours-instead of days. An aver' ase 4 or 5 room DFP Dri'Bitt house dn be occrrpied within 2 weeks after it is oriiered ! The use of this lny rire or rlyl. ol hone co be built by thir new DFP Dri-Bilt priaciple, od it ir pcrticulcly cdopted to thc cmtructioq ol q nuubcr oI residences al oae tine, An exuple ol how tbis principle soves tiEo is lbir houre in Olynpic, Woeh., wbich is bul one ol hudreds buill by rhi. Dethod duriag the posl yecr ia tha rniddlc od lqr weat. The Plywood wcll od ceiliag rectiou werc built ia o shed @d tolen by truck lo job-site where loudotion ond Plyacord sub-lloor had been lcid. Thc trucL crrived ot 9:45 q.n. oue moming' Belore 5 p.n. thot rone doy, { corpenter: hcd the house conplelely erected recdy lor s$ihglilg. Duriag this tine wiriag od plunbing wero obo "rougbed il".

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