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rut5BER - t[tttwoRK SASH and D00RS

Since 1888


2nd & Alice Sts, Oalctcurd Glencourt 6861

North Sacramento ramento, Calif., have mento Supply Co.

Solid Philippine Mchogcny Wcll Pcmelling

A Sensational New Product That Sells on Sight




News Ffashes

Lumber & Supply changed the name Co., North Sacto North Sacra-

Harold Bendorf of California Redwood Distributors, Ltd., Chicago, Eastern sales representative of The pacific Lumber Co. and lfammond Redwood Co.. arrived in San Francisco by plane on March 4 to spend a few weeks in California.

Accepted Materials Company have moved to 9200 Featherstone Drive, Los Angeles. Their old address was 6818 Santa Monica Blvd. Wm. H. Hutchins is manager.

The plant of Aberdeen Plywood Company, Aberdeen, Wash., one of the biggest in the pacific Northwest, was destroyed by fire March 1. The blaze spread quickly throughout the plant which employed 450 men in three shifts.

Construction of a temporary office and storeroom lvas begun alongside the debris even before the fire had stop_ ped burning.

LTUMBERMENYou'll like it. It's new. It spcrrHes.


In less thcn six M wor& lor 25c, or iust send your ncme. He'll trust you. Address, Chris Totten, Luhrs BIdg., Phoenix, Arizoncr.

Cll., II{C.

Frank C. Kendall, Potlatch Yards, Inc., Spokane, Wash., and Mrs. Kendall, spent several days in Los Angeles around the first of the month.

C & S Lumber & Mill Co., at Compton, have been succeeded by the Alert Lumber Company. .W. H. Enlow is manager of the yard. Alert Lumber Company also have yards at Bell and Downey.

Home Lumber & Coal Company, with headquarters in Boise, Idaho, has purchased the Frank Beam Lumber Co. at Las Vegas, Nevada. W. H. Brodie is yard manager. The company also operates a yard at Reno.

Henry & Cox Lumber Company, to a new location at 3210 Winona merly at 8@ Empire Ave.

Burbank, have moved Ave. They were for-

Sones Lumber Company, El Centro, has purchased the M. H. Cavin Lumber & Grain Co. The Cavin concern, owned and operated by Mrs. D. p. Cavin, and son, Neal Cavin, was founded in Heber in 1916 by the late Michael H. Cavin. The business \\ras rnoved to El Centro in 1936.

C. N. Wood, traveling representative of Forsyth Hardrvood Company, San Francisco, was injured in a five.car accident near Fresno on the evening of March 1. Three of Mr. Wood's ribs were broken and he also received severe cuts on the face and head. He is at Burnett's Sani_ tarium, Fresno, and is expected to be there until about the end of the month.


Rcprcrenting ln Southcrn Calilornia: The Pecif,c Lumbg Compeny-Wendling-Nethen Co.

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