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The Honre of the Year

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Chris Totten, 322 Luhrs Bldg., Phoenix, Ariz., secretarymanager of the Arizona Retail Lumber and Builders Supply Association, Inc., has just issued an interesting booklet, "The Way to Home and Happiness."

In the foreword he says: "When you have read this through, if it has increased your love for a home, or caused you to consider the possibility of making the attempt to own a home, then we will have, at least, partially succeeded with what we have set out to do."

"It is easy now," says Mr. Totten, "and since the advent of the Federal Housing Administration, the task is not only lightened, but when you investigate, you will find it so easy to buy and build that it will become a pleasant experience.

"All you have to do is go to the lumber dealer, whose name is on the cover page. He will show you many new and practical plans, plan books, and advise you as to each necessary step to be taken for the fulfillment of your dreams."

Lumbermen and prospective home owners will enjoy reading this booklet. It sells f.or 25 cents per copy.

Hollywood Door Sales Increasing

F. G. Hanson, head of West Coast Screen Co., Los Angeles, returned March 2 from a six weeks' trip around the "rim" of the country in the course of which he visited most of the large cities, including New York. He reports that sales of the Hollywood Screen and Metal Sash Door are increasing in all the territories he visited. Mr. Ifanson purchased new machinery and equipment in the East. This includes a new 49-inch Solem endless bed surfacer which is now being installed in the plant at 1163 East 63rd Street.

The company's new brick warehouse has been complet, ed. This is of earthquake-proof construction, with Summerbell roof trusses, and has a Barnard Engineering Company's sprinkler system. The warehouse provides an additional lz,W square feet of floor space which was urgently needed to take care of expanding business.

California Visitors

Harry T. Kendall, general manager of the Weyerhaeuser Sales Company, St. Paul, Minn., and Mrs. Kendall, were recent Los Angeles and San Francisco visitors.

Ttie Certigrade Caijfonnian

_-An outetcnding excmpte oI Double-coureed Certigrcrde Shingles on Side-wcllg.

The Certigrcde Home ig spontored by 36 lumber cssocicrtioas throughout the United Stcrtee cnd Ccncdc.

Attroctive two-color Certigrrcde Cclilornion tolder lor envelope_ iagerts or over-the-counter nciled on request in leaso_ncb_l_e qucrntitiee. Wriie 8ed Cedcrr Shingle -Burecu, Seqttle, U. S. 4., or Vcncouver, B. C., Ctraada.


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