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Designed for ,Tltt roaay's Architecture

This new bocrrd moves in cs half circle. Just swing it crround to where it ccnr be used. Ironing done-put the hot iron in iron receptcrcle, fold up bocrrd cmd close ccrbiaet. It's lireproof. Hot iron rest cgrd eleeve bocrrd included. Ccrbinet is ccsed and door hung. Fits crny 2"x4", 16" center wqll Good mcrrgin oI prolit. A phone ccll or post ccrd wiU bring lull pcuticulcrrs.

Sold through declers only.

ItPaystoBuytromN O Y O Chief of the REDWOODS

Make NOYO your source of supply for long-lasting lumber. Ample timber. two mills. personl service from ONE organization . convenient warehouse stocksall combine to keep true NOYO's proud claim: "One a Nogo Duler-Alungs!"

Tclephoncr Long Beoch 662-ll Pleagcat 14331 tOS ANGEI.ES NEPNESEI{TATn|E

Nr-l V/ASHABZE COTORS add new uses and economies to Insulite's many designs and textures.

'W'alls already painted to harmonize and, blend with any interior color scheme.

Four modern tints-gray, coral, buffand green. Sun-fast, clear smooth surfaces. Crack proof, yes, and check proof, too. And the famous V-Nf Joint fits tight, giving all 'round insulation But most a;mazing of all, it likes to have its face washed. 'When it gets a sPot of dirt, iust wash it as you would tile. Think of your new opportunities and profits from Insulite's Satincote in these glowing fast colors.

$7'rite for samples and literature. Insulite, Dept. C3O, Minneapolis.


Strudurol rlloteriols-Sealed Lok-Joint Lath . Graylite Lok-Joint Lath Ins-Lite Lok-Joiot Lath Bildrite Sheathing InteriorFinisfies-Ins-Lite. Graylite. Smoothcote. Hardboards. Acoustilite. Fibedite Satincote-washable colors-in textures and patterns

I$AKE THESE TESTS. . . qnd prove for yourself the Durqble quolities of Sotincote il"T'^I"il:i';

WASH lT-r.y this yourself. Just take soap aod water-see how easily and quickly you cao restore the original luster and beauty of these four new Satincote colors.

SCRUB lT-Treat it rough.Take a brush. Go at it. You'll be amazed at this new board's toughness of surface and fastness of color.\Vhat other insulating wall can takeit?


A Little Brass Tag

By Edgar Guest

(Each German soldier wears a brass identification tag, which is sent home if he is killed)

All that is left of her wonderful son Is a little brass tag;

All of her baby that shouldered a gun Is a little brass tag.

He that so proudly marched off in the line, Clear-eyed and smiling, and splendid and fine, fs home once again on the banks of the Rhine, Just a little brass tag.

He with the eyes that were kindly and blue Is a little brass tag;

He with the shoulders so square and so true Is a little brass tag.

He that stepped forward to follow the flag, To ride with a sabre or march with a Krag, You'll find now with thousands, shipped home in a bag, Just a little brass tag.

Oh, mother, the boy you're so hungry to see Is a little brass tag;

The end of yow dreams of the man he would be Is a little brass tag;

Your beautiful visions of splendors have fled, Your wonderful man of tomorrow lies dead; He went as a soldier, but comes home instead Just a little brass tag.


When the state is most corrupt, then laws are most multiplied. -Tacitus.

Take Your Choice

Father: Is there anything worse than to be old and bent? Son: Yes, to be young and broke.

Very Seldom

Teacher: Mose, don't you ever take a bath?

Mose: Yassum. Once in de summah, an' not so often in de wintah.


This is the gospel of labour, ring it, ye bells of the kirk ! The Lord of Love came down from above, to live with the men who work;

This is the rose that He planted, here in the thorn-curst soil:

I{eaven is blest with perfect rest, but the blessing of Earth is toil'

Henry Van Dyke.

Not His Fault

"Is Mose a careful drivah?"

"Is he? Say, when dat niggah turns de same way de road does, hits juss a coincidence-dass all."


Bill (as he caught up with Gus on the way back to camp)-Gus, are all the other boys out of the woods yet?


Bill-All six of them?

Gus-Yes, all six of them.

Bill-And they are all safe?

Gus-Yes, they are all safe.

Bill (chest swelling)-Then, I've shot a deer !

The Task Of Life

To be honest, to be kind, to earn a little, and to spend a little less, to make upon the whole a family happier for his presence, to renounce when that shall be necessary and not to be embittered, to keep a few friends, but these without capitulation; above all, on the same condition, to keep friends with himself ; here is a task for all a man has of fortitude and delicacy.-Robert Louis Stevenson.


Mandy Johnson, surrounded by her brood of eleven pickaninnies, was being interviewed by the spinster settlement worker, and answered as follows: "Yas'm, birth control am all right for youall; but me, Ah's married an' doan need it !"

For Easy Riding

A man without mirth is like a wagon without springs, in which one is caused disagreeably to jolt by every pebble over which it runs.-Henry Ward Beecher.

Sash and Door Wholesalers \(ill Hold "The W.y to Home and Happiness" Goff Tournament March 21

The Wholesale Sash & Door Association of Southern California will hold a golf tournament at the Potrero Golf and Country Club, l6zlo East Manchester Blvd., Inglewood, Calif., Thursday afternoon, March 21, I9n, The tournament will start at 1:00 p.m. Dinner will be served in the Club House at 6:30 p.m., and will be followed by the presentation of prizes and cards. Tickets are $2.50 which include green fees, dinner and blind bogey. A large turnout is expected.

Pick Maule and D. D. McCallum will act as chairmen. Reservations can be made by calling Secretary Earl Galbraith, telephone VAndike 0845, Los Angeles.


Central Valley Hoo-Hoo Club No. 62 held a dinrrer meeting at Hotel Lodi, Lodi, Calif. on Monday evening, February 25.

The next meeting will be held at the end of March. Officers for the coming year will be elected.

Bradley Executives Visit Coast

R. W. (Bob) Fullerton, president of the Bradley Lumber Co. of Arkansas, Warren, Ark., and R. W. Hanly, the company's flooring sales manager, were in Los Angeles last week on a business trip. They will also visit San Francisco. Portland and Seattle.

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