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Lumber Yards And Hardware Store For Sale

Twelve lumber yards and one hardware store in Arizona and two lumber yards in Southern California. Yards well located and showing good pro6ts. Closing estate. Old established company. Will sell as a unit or separately. Information will be given to financially responsible party disclosing identity. Address Box C-790 Cdifornia Lumber Merchant.

For Sale

One American Houston l2-inch Sticker in excellent condition, with lots of knives, etc. Full price $750.00. A real bargain. Address California Lumber Merchant Box C-793.

Position Wanted

Retail lumberman, 25 years expericnce, last l0 years in Los Angeles, fully familiar with all office detail' sales, collections and credits, desires position as manager. Excellent references. Go anywhere in California. Address Box C-788, California Lumber Merchant.

Want To Buy

Small or medium-sized yards anywhere south of Stockton. Information hept confidential. Write Hayward Lumber & Investment CompanY' P. 9. Box l55l' Los Angeles, Calif.

Lumber Yards For Sale

We have a number of good yards in Southern Cali' fornia for sale. Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers, 801 Petroleum Securities Building, Los Angeles. Telephone PRospeet 8746.


J. A. Rudbach, of John A. Rudbach Lumber Co., Los Angeles, is the proud father of a baby girl, Jana Christine, born March 5. Both mother and daughter are reported to be doing nicely.

A baby girl, Pauline, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Matthies on February 28. Mr. Matthies is a salesman for T. M. Cobb Co., Los Angeles.


The first regular meeting of Sacramento Hoo-Hoo Club will be held on March 20. It is proposed to hold the meetings on the third Wednesday of each month.

Southern California Retail Yard For Sale

?0 miles from Los Angeles on main highway in fast growing community. Railroad lease, established trade, clean stock, good equipment. For full particulars address Box C-773, California Lumber Merchant.

For Sale

Established retail lumber business located in fast growing Southwest Los Angeles district. Clean stock, mill and equipment. A real money maker and can be bought right. Owner leaving city to take care of other interests. Address Box C-794 California Lumber Merchant.

For Sale

Small lumber yard and lumber store in Los Angeles area. Yard has been established many years and both have good earning record. Closing cstate. Address Box C-789 California Lumber Merchant.

Wants Position

Lumberman, fifteen years' experience, wants position with wholesale or retail concern. Prefers Los Angeles district. Generd office work, bookkeeping and typing. Last four years with Los Angeles wholesale lumber firm. Age 35 years. Good references. Address Box C-797 California Lumber Merchant.

Commission Salesman Wants Mill Connection

Connection wanted for representation on commission basis in San Francisco and surrounding territory witt mills manufacturing Douglas Fir, Spruce, Ponderosa and Sugar Pine. Address Box C-79E California Lumber Merchant.

New Yard In Bellflower

McNab-Smith Lumber Co., recently opened a new lumber yard at Woodruff and Artesia, Bellflower, Calif. The owners are P. F. McNab and M. M' Smith. Mr. McNab was with Martin Lumber & Materials Co., Wilmington, for some years, and I\{r. Smith was formerly associated with MacArthur Planing Mill, Long Beach.

On Business Trip

F. J. Parker, field engineer for the Pacific Coast Shingle fnspection Bureau, Inc., Seattle, Wash., was in Los Angeles last week for a few days. He was on his way to Chicago, where he makes his headquarters, and traveled by way of Texas where he will make several stops.

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