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Sudden e, Ghristenson

Lunbcr and Shtpptng

7th Floor. Alaska-Commercial Bldg., 310 Sansome Street, San Francisco

Anrricrn Mitl C.o. AGBNTS

Hoquien Luabcr A Shiqlc Co.

Hutbat MiU C,o.

Villrpr Hrrbc Lunb.r Millt


610 Bocrd of Tndc Bldg.

Abcrdla, vrrL Ryder Henify Hoquiu, werh. Dorothy Crhitt

Aberda, VlrL Janc Chrirtcnroa leynond, VoL Cherlcr Chrirtcnro Brlnch O6ccr: SEATTLE

Netiond Brol of Conuncrcc Bldg.


Annie Chri*auon

Edwin Chrid.n.oo

Cathcrinc G. Sudda

Elcenor Chrircau


200 Hcary Blft;

HAT cppecrls mosl to decrlers who know Brcdley hqrdwood items qi lirsi hclnd is Brqdley's mqnilest inten' lion lo mqke crnd deliver a superior product in ecrch clcrssi' Iicqtion. It is this purpose to serve by interpreiing the decrler's viewpoint in terms ol dependcrble merchqndirse which has built up trade-wide conlidence in lhe stcrndcrr& signilied by Brqdley's well known bcde-mqrk.

ALANCING lhese stcndcrds of mqnulqclure and merchondising is the exceptionql rqnge oI wood producls turned oui in Brodley's big plcrnt, wherebv a single order mqy include crny or cll ol the lollowing: rPat.1936028 aaTrinPak Pat.

Stqndord Flooring in Oqk, Beech qnd Pecqn; Oqk Plonk Flooring, "Nqil' Seoted" Flooring in Ook qnd Beech;' Oak ond Gum "Unitrim"" Ior doors qnd windows in pcckoged sels", Trim and Mouldings in Red and Sqp Gum, Red ond White Ook; Ook Treods qnd Risers, Door Sills qnd Thresholds; Cedqr Closet Lining; Osk trnd Gum Glued-up Counter Tops or Pqnels, up to l6 It'; Hickory Producls; Kiln-dried Furnilure ond Auto' motive Dimension; Hqrdwood Lumber in oll commerciol Southern species. With these hqrdwood items, Brsdley cqn olso lurnish Arkonsqs Soll Pine, Sotin.Like Inlerior Trim ond Mouldings in "Unitrim"" or elqndard linecrl; Iinish, Ilooring qnd kiln-dried yqrd stock.

For quolaliont call aur ntaresl re ?resenlati,t)e or address :

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