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I S Alway S Fre Sh
Because the Blue Diamond plaster mill is ilose to your market you can always have fresh, uniform plaster at the lowest price, and without choking your warehouse with excess stock.
To The
Dottglas Fir card.. Made of tlrc real zvood, they show the beautifttl grain and terture. 250 Cards 500 Cards lfi)0 Cards
Getting In On A New Basis With A Net Price Iist
In this net price list we have deviated from the' old standard form and have made some chan$es that should receive your attention because they mean additional profits to you
To those, Who, have al;ways made us their source of supply, we Pleclge loyal servlse' ouR QUESTION!
To those who took the hint and- elected^us their source of t"pptv tiartittg 1925, did we make good?

To those who do not make us their source of supply, we dare you to try us !
How Lumber Looks
On every hand one can hear the predicion that "good timer will come this Fall" and it bringr to mind the three words that a large four manufacturer has hammered in the minds of the American public for years-"\il/hy Not Now."
Things are in much befter condition than they were two weela ago, and two weekr go it was a happy fact that everything was pointing to an end of a number of the dirquieting factorr that had put so many lumber mindr in the dumps.
In Southern California-the retail lumber busineac ir on a better basis, from many angler, than it has been for years, and the dealerr feel that ttrey have fin"lly come to a point where they can anticipate a living profit from tfteir lafec. It is a sad fact, nevertheless tnre, that lumber was being eold to the contumer at prices way below actual colt, and therc prices were being made for a period of time to bring serioue thoughtr to many. This right at a time when the wholeeale market war in precariour conditionn the millr themrelver quoting ridiculous pricea, a mad scrarrrble for buriness from producer to couurner, witt no one makins a profit.
Thie warn't jurt a happening. .Th" blame had to be rome- where, and from recent developmentr, the said blame har no doubt been placed, and things have been changed.
The building permitr at Lor Angeler will totd fifteen million dollars for the month of March. Thir surely ehows some of the ttAfter t'he Assesror comest' boom.
Shipmento at San Pedro, to the night of the 28th, were a little over one hundred and twenty million feet. The docks have been cleaned out of a conriderable arnount of stock, and the rernaining arnount b not abnormd.
A telegram from San Francirco dirclorer that the Fir market around the Bay has been improved conriderably in the part two weeks, both cargo and rail. The report datee that commonr are erpecially rtrong, and that number three rtock ia in demand. The Redwood market in the northern part of the rtate ha.c rhown imprrvement while the California Pine demand is highly ratiefactory. Building in San Frencisco and other Bay pointr is booming.
The San Joaquin Valley dealerr are looking for a good aum.mer and fall leaaon, and are buying etockr ar they need them.