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Annual Meeting of San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's Club
J. C. Ferger and All Other Officers Re-elected
J. C. Ferger of the Swastika Lumber Company, Fresno, was re-elected President of the San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's- Club, at the annual meeting held Siturday, March ?f;th, at the Californian Hotel, Fresno.
Elmore King, King Lumber Company, Bakersfield. was elected to succeed himself in the office-of Vice-President, Frank F. Minard, C. S. Pierce Lumber Company, Fresno, was re-elected Secretary, and Joe Martin, Fresno Lumber Company will again serve as Treasurer.
_ It was a splendid Convention, attended by a large major- ity of the members, and a number of guests.
President Ferger called the meeting to order at noon, with a short welcome address. He introduced Mr. Ioe Cuneo of White Brothers, San Francisco. Mr. Cuned is very clever with a number of Italian impersonations rvhich he gave to the delight of the meeting.
\4r, Ferger then spoke of the two great losses recently suffered by the Club, in the death of Mr. H. F. Brey of Porterville, and in the more recent death of the seCond eldest daughter of Mr. Elmore King. Resolutions of sym- pathy were adopted by the Club and were forwarded to the bereaved.
Mr. D, S. Ewing, an attorney of Fresno, was the principal speaker, using as his topic, "The Future Development of the San Joaquin Valley." Mr. Eu'ing's talk dealt *ith various problems, transportation, co-operation among the business men and the farmers, the need of educating the public in all lines of business, and he spoke at length of thi surveys that have been made by national economists.
President Ferger introduced Phil B. Hart, managing editor of "The California l-umber Merchant," who made a few remarks about conditions in Southern California, and what, in his opinion, would be the effect on the Valley, of the coming prosperity for the state.
A. W. Heavenrich of the Madera Sugar Pine Company, Fresno, made a short talk, complimenting the Club on'their splendid activities, and commenting on conditions in the east, as he found them on his recent trip. He predicted much better business conditions, on the Pacific Coast. by fall.
Mr. C. R. Tilson of the Modesto Lumber'Company, Modesto, was called by the President for a few remarki. He resented the word "venerable," as used by Mr. Fergeb in the intloduction, saying that his gray hairs belied his actual age, and ideas.
(Continued on Page 8.)