2 minute read
(Continued from Page +)
^ A.J. (G.ur) Russell of the Santa Fe f,umber Compailr. San l.-rancisco, was then called by the president, ,erponi_ ing rvith a number of good storiei, keeping the meeti'ne in an .uproar- for quite a time. Gus was 'in ?ne form. I-r, a serious vein, he- commented on Mr. Ewing,s aadre.s, coml plimenting th.e Club for having secured thi; .pi;;die;p*-k- er and charging them to rvatdh carefully any develonment that mrght materially affect business ionditions in' their respective communities.
. President Ferger adjourned the luncheon meeting, thank_ lng the speakers and guests- for their attendance an"d calling the executive session to order.
The Business Meeting
In reporting for the Nominating Comirittee, A. T. Russell stated that after careful and rong consideration, "tt " .o-- mittee recommended that the piesent incumbenl in- tL presidenry be re-elected, ,'ancl be given a chance to make go-od." -,The committee then ofieid nomination, io;-;i,-; other offices, all the present holders, and after tt tions had been declared closed a ballot disclosed iheir unanimous election.
Mr..Ferger.thanked the Club, stating that this would make hrs tourth term, and that in accepting, he did so with the pro-viso t_lrat it would be his last. ^ Ffrnk Mi;"rd ;i;; thanked the Club for their confidence in him, i, *"L;rg il; secretary.for the thirg_ y."r. l\Ir. Eing was not p.ese"rrt at the_ meeting. The Nominating Com--mittee .orlr;ri.l- oi A.J. Russell, chairman, George Eurnett and A. W. Heaven_ rich.
. A letter was read from A. L. porter of Spokane, inviting the Club members to the September go'o Hoo'A;;;;i at Spokane.
Mr. F. Dean Prescott, o_f the Valley Lumber eompany, leported for the Cement Committee. - In his ..rnr.t i -M'rl Prescott stated that the invasion of foreign ;;;;;t l;
Northern California, especially at tide-water points, might make a difference in the present situation. He stated tf,at he knew of cases where ihe price differential had been as -u..h.as.forty cents per barrel, between the foreign material and the local prod-uct. He stated that this pricJadvantage was somewhat offset by the extra trouble ln the sack riturns, etc., but that thirty to forty cents was an amount to tempt many dealers. He suggested that the manufacturers had seemed favorable to a closer co-operation with the lumber dealers. Mr. Prescott also told ol the killing of the two bills at the State Legislature, the bills concern-ing the Mechanics Lien Law.
It was decided that the San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's Club would conduct a _joint meeiing of tfreir body with the Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's-Club and the eentral Valley Club. A committee composed of F. Dean Prescott,
J. C. Ferger, W. T. Baird, R. O. Deacon and J. G. Ferguson was appointed, and instructed to invite the two other clubs to th.e meeting, as guests of the San Joaquin Valley, the meeting to be held some time in May.
The meeting was adjourned at 4 P: M.
Those present were:
J. C, Ferger, Swastika Lbr. Co.. ......Fresno
F. Dean Prcscott, Valley Lumber Co.. .......Fresno
C. R. Tilson, Modesto Lbr. Co.. .....Modesto
D. S. Ewing ....F'resno
A. W. Heavenrich, Madcra Sugar Pinc Co.. .,Madera
S. P. Ross, Ccntral Lbr. Co... ......Hanford
J. E. Holt, Dcacon Lbr. Co.. .Lemoorc
J. F. Wright, Brey-Wright Lbr. Co.. .....Portervillc
A. H. Kelly, Kclly Lbr. Co.. ... .......Visalia
H. N. Kofoid, H. C. Kofoid Co.. ... ......Caruthcrs p. I. Eyma4 Western Lbr. Co.. ....Reedley
W. B. March, W. B. March Co.. .....Ivanhoc
V. G. Schocneman.. .....Selma
Chas. Schaffcr, Citizens Lbr. Co.. ..Kingsburg
E. P. Ruth, Reedley Lbr. Co.. .......Rccdlcy
A. E. Johnson, Laton Lbr. Co.. .. .,Laton
(Continued on Page 16)