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What an Authority Says About Redwood -for Farnr Buildings
Bulletin No. 299, UniversitY of California. entitled, "The IJse of Lumber on California Farms," bY Mr. Merritt B. Pratt, formerlY at the Forest School, UniversitY of California, and npw State Forester for California, says :
Durability qf Redwood
Member Mills:
Albton Lumber CompanY
Caspar Lumber ComPanY
Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co.
Glen Blalr Redwood Co.
Hammond Lumber GomPanY
J. R. Hanlfy Company
Hobbe, lVall & Gomtnny
Holmer Eureka Lumber Co.
Ilttle Rlver Redwood Co.
Mendoclno Lumber Co.
Northwestero Redwood Co.
Redwood Monufacturers Co.
The Paclflc Lumber Co.
.Unlon Lumber Company
"If it had no other merits, Redwood would deserve a wide use on the farm because of its great natural resistance to rot and fire. Heart Redwood when placed in contact with the grourid should have an average lifb of 25 years, whereas some other native woods which could be bought a little cheaper, perhaps, rot out in a few Years. The durable qualities of Redwood should be taken adaantage of bY the farrner in hi's choice of wood for such uses where all the conditions fromoting decay o,re present."
Fire Rerirtance of Redwood
"The fire hazard on the farm is high because of the presence of large amounts of inflammable material, carelessness of emPloYees and the lack of fire-fighting facilities. Redwood is particularly well adapted for buildings subiect to fire erposure since it is hard to ignite and, slozu to burrl,, ard fire's are easil,v e rtinguishe d."
Redwood for Silor
"Redwood is an excellent wood for Silos because of its durability, small amount of shrinkage' and non-conducting properties. A Redwood stave silo should last at least T yearc, and for its cost, is very economical as compared with that built of other materials."
Sell Redwood to your farm trade for surest satisfaction, truest economy and steady profite.