1 minute read
"manufacturers of doors, sash and intirior tuood.uork of eaery description from any kind of wooil required"
(Continued from Page 8.)
George Maxwell Enters Retail Game
Mr. George B. Maxwell, well known in Southern Calitg.njq through his association the past two years with W. W. Wilkinson, in the wholesale firm of Maxwell & Wilkinson, at Los Angeles, has just announced his retirement from this partnership and from the wholesale business, to devote his entire time to his recently acquired retail interests.
Mr. Maxwell has purchased an interest in the Brace Lumber Company, near Alhambra, which concern is managed by Mr. Charley Brace.
The second yard in which Mr. Maxwell has become financially interested is the Riverside Lumber Yard, on Riverside Drive, Los Angeles, where Mr. E. T. Nelson is in charge.
A third venture is to be a new yard, at Beverly Hills, and known as the Beverly Lumber Yard. Mr. Maxwell owns this plant, which will be in operation about May first. He has secured a site and will begin construction at once. Incidentally, he is now interviewing applicants for the position as manager of this yard.
Three Good Positions Open
The Los Angeles office of this publication has hacl inquiries for men to fi11 the following positions : Accountant-I-os Angeles.
Bookkeeper-Stenographer-San Diego. Salesman-Los Angeles.
, Bookkeeper and general 6ffiqs man-Orange County. The opening for a salesman is a very dttractive proposition with a wholesale concern. Good salary, the main qualification necessary is that you know the Los Angeles trade.
Mr. Maxwell states that his active interest in the yards will be confined to his acting as buyer for all three, and in a general advisory capacity to the resident managers.
E. C. Miller, President of the Grays Harbor Shingle Company, Aberdeen, has been a visitor in California for the past ten days.
He spent some time at San Francisco, conferring with the S. E. Slade Lumber Company, and calling on the retail yards, in the interests of Red Cedar Shingles, going from there to Los Angeles where he made his headquarters with Mr. S. E. and F. M. Slade, who act as representatives for the Grays Harbor Lumber Company, in California.